Welcome to Play Therapy Institute of Colorado’s E-Learning Site

Please select a course below to get started.

  • Partnering with Parents in Play Therapy (Affiliate Course)

    "The neuroscience behind this training will blow your mind!" - Keri Sawyer "I used to struggle with explaining how play therapy "works" to fathers who were more "left brain" (e.g., Lawyers, accountants, Google employees, etc). But that's not an issue for me anymore. Lisa taught me how to work with resistant fathers so they can confidently "buy" into the play therapy process!" - Susan Stutzman

    In this thought-provoking yet practical workshop, participants will explore what it really takes to partner with parents. They will have the opportunity to understand how to have a successful intake session setting the stage for a higher level of investment and commitment, how to communicate to parents so that they understand what play therapy is and how it works, how to translate what is happening in the playroom so that parents understand how the goals are being worked on, what to do with resistant parents and what to do when parents just want to drop their child off to be "fixed".

    Through new skills, insights and a framework rooted in relationship theory, therapists are guaranteed to leave feeling inspired to work with parents.

    This course helps play therapists strengthen their work with parents so they can: 

    • Get More Clients
    • Understand the Parent's Brain
    • Be More Authentic with Parents
    • Have Successful Parent Intakes
    • Level-Up Their Parent Coaching Skills
    Please see course details below. For a list of all available products, please go here.
  • "Although I have been utilizing mindfulness for years in the therapy room, this training opened my eyes to the opportunities and benefits that I was overlooking. I am able to more intentionally track the content AND processes occurring in session, leading to more richness and depth in the work." -Dr. Alana Roth

    Neuroscience is revealing that mindfulness is a key component for integration, so what is it, what is it not and how to incorporate it into the playroom are important questions to consider as a play therapist.  If you are curious about understanding mindfulness and developing a more mindful approach to your work,  join Lisa Dion in an interactive workshop on becoming a mindful play therapist.

    In this course, you will explore some of the neuroscience behind mindfulness as you learn how to cultivate it within yourself and within your child clients. You will also learn the importance of bringing mindfulness into the playroom as a way to avoid compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout.  This course is applicable to all play therapy theories.

    https://youtu.be/jwCo52TKE2I This course helps play therapists to:
    • Connect mindfulness and trauma integration
    • Reduce compassion fatigue
    • Help children cultivate mindfulness
    • Understand the neuroscience behind cultivating mindfulness
    See course details below. For a list of all available products, please go here.
  • "This was the most significant sand tray training which help me better understand the ways sand can assist in helping regulate/co-regulate our nervous systems. I highly recommend this training to anyone who works with children and adults." -Helen Wilson "Although I consider myself a seasoned play and sand tray therapist I learned so much in just one hour of this course. Highly recommended!" - Marina Keukens Terrell Have you ever wondered how to help children facilitate their processing in your playroom through the use of sand in a nontraditional way?  If so, this workshop is for you! The sand tray is a common fixture in play therapy. But thinking outside the “sandbox” allows therapists to use sand in a nontraditional way, fostering regulation. In this engaging workshop the play therapist will learn the 5 toys needed to turn a sand tray into a regulation tool, gain an understanding of how a child can use the sand and the activation in their nervous system as well as be exposed to various ways to bring regulation into the sand tray to help deepen the child’s experience. Join us as we explore the link between sand and the nervous system and discover how the proper tools can deepen both the child’s experience and their healing. https://youtu.be/x4Z4xlOANwU Please see course details below. For a list of all available products, please go here.   By clicking "Buy Product" you will be redirected to a payment link provided by Kid Matters Counseling. All payment or course-related questions should be redirected to the affiliate organization, Kid Matters Counseling. Synergetic Play Therapy Institute does not process payment directly for this course.
  • "This was very helpful in allowing to learn ways to integrate neuroscience and transitions to help promote regulation for the child!" - Fernando Gonzalez III "This class was so informative with great concrete tools. Awesome class!" -Lauri Levitt Transitions are everywhere, in the expected and the unexpected. As a play therapist, it's important to be prepared to help our clients with transitions - such as divorce, death, a move, new sibling, or sensory challenges - that often bring them to our playroom. In this course, Lisa Dion and Susan Stutzman explore how to navigate transitions and change in the play therapy setting.  Participants will walk away having gained an understanding of current neurobiological research that supports an understanding of how transitions can trigger a threat response in the brain causing activation of the autonomic nervous system. From a neurobiological lens, the therapist will gain knowledge of how to best navigate the challenges of transitions that bring clients to play therapy and learn ways to navigate change and transition that happens during the therapeutic play process itself. Clinical applications for working through transitioning within professional working relationships will be touched on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGUlmjyn2Js This course is for you, if you want to:
    • Help children through divorce
    • Process death & loss
    • Help a child transition to a new school
    • Help children learn emotional balance and regulation
    • Help kids with sensory challenges
    For course details and objectives, see below. For a list of all available products, please go here.
  • "I could watch Lisa talk about play therapy all day. This workshop gives you really helpful, crystallized ideas and nuggets about the play therapy process and how it allows children to heal. Definitely worth a watch when you're maybe feeling stuck with a specific client, or running out of metaphors to communicate the efficacy of play therapy with colleagues or parents." -Malia Segal Lisa unlocks the therapeutic powers of play in this foundational neuroscience-rich training .... In a profession that is fighting for recognition and to be taken seriously, not fully understanding exactly how play therapy transformation takes place is a void. Without really understanding how attuned play works to bring about lasting change, therapists are left feeling uncertain and missing the language to effectively talk to parents, teachers and other influential people in children’s lives. The therapist's ability to influence other professions to see the value in play therapy is also impacted. This presentation is designed to fill in gaps in the play therapist’s understanding by addressing the answer to this very important question- how exactly does play therapy work? Through presentation and discussion, participants will be taken into the minds and biology of children for an inside look at what goes on that leads to their transformation and healing. With the help of neuroscience, brain development, and interpersonal neurobiology, the “how” will be answered allowing participants to truly understand the process and what exactly is going on in the playroom. This dynamic, eye-opening and thought provoking presentation will empower therapists to begin to move beyond their current framework. This course is for you if you want to ...
    • Integrate the neuroscience behind the therapeutic powers of play therapy
    • Better articulate to parents why play therapy works
    • How children use toys to understand themselves
    For course details and objectives, see below. For a list of all available products, please go here.
  • The Six-Day Synergetic Play Therapy® Intensive allows you to jump in and really experience the magic of Synergetic Play Therapy®! We hold these intensives regularly throughout the year, limiting this program to four people in order to permit extensive skill practice with individualized coaching and feedback. Each participant will be paired with a child client with whom they will work every day during the training under direct supervision as part of a therapeutic observation team. Dive into SPT and see if it's right for you!

    Six-Day Synergetic Play Therapy® Intensive Prerequisite Training:
    • Participants should have completed or be enrolled in a Master’s Degree (or equivalent) program in counseling, social work, or education.
    • Previous experience working with children and families is also required.
    • A basic understanding of play therapy and play therapy skills is required.
    For availability and registration details, please contact the Institute at 720-458-9597 or email info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.

    ***Please scroll to the bottom of this page for a complete list of the course details and objectives***

  • "Clear, to the point information on how to set up play therapy in a home, how to set boundaries (literally and figuratively speaking), and how to work with parents." -Marina Keukens Terrell "Love the ideas and talking about setting up a space for boundaries if it is a shared space within a home!" -Carly Schrimpl Take the guesswork out of doing play therapy in the home! .... Are you an in-home play therapist finding yourself confused and even overwhelmed about how to bring play therapy into the home? Do you ever wonder where boundaries are? What toys to bring? How to structure your time? What to do with the parents when they are also there? How to talk to the parents about what you are doing? In this training you'll explore how to make your time in the home the most therapeutic experience possible while bringing clarity and certainty to your role. https://youtu.be/jP0W4Rs3AMk This course is for you if ...
    • Struggle with setting boundaries and structure your time for in-home play therapy sessions.
    • Lost on what toys to bring with you into the home.
    • Confused on how to explain play therapy sessions to parents.
    • Practice in places like hospitals & schools
    For course details and objectives, see below. For a list of all available products, please go here.
  • "The experience of becoming a Synergetic Play Therapist Supervisor has been a journey in deepening my relationship and attachment to myself and therefore to those around me. I feel better resourced and skilled to support play therapists in their work and their own journeys. This course connected me to a community that I feel deeply privileged to be a part of. During a challenging time for our planet, I felt a connection to others that sustained me." -Katrina Bevelander Are you ready to become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor? For Certified Synergetic Play Therapists who meet the prerequisites we offer a path to becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor*. These courses also count towards Registered Play Therapy Supervisor requirements (please check with APT to determine full requirements). In this training, students will learn how to apply the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy and tenets to the supervisory relationship. Through video observation, didactic learning, group discussion, and self study (this course is heavy on independent study), students will learn how to step into the role of supervisor- one of the most important and influential roles in a play therapist's journey. Hear what other Certified SPT Therapists/Supervisors had to say about the course Application Deadline September 1st, 2022!  Please note: Completion of a Legal and Ethical Issues in Play Therapy Supervision course is not a prerequisite for this course. However, it must be completed before you can obtain the designation Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor. You will be asked to provide documentation of completion of a Legal and Ethical issues in Play Therapy supervision course. You will also need to have two supervisees during the six months of the course and that are willing to be video-taped. *Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor is a protected title held by those who have taken this training Please scroll down for class details and objectives.   [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Select your currency based on your location and wait for the page to refresh before adding to cart." widget_type="dropdown"]
  • Have you been looking for the perfect opportunity to market to a community of over 13,000 play therapists and mental health professionals who all want to increase their income and showcase their talents!? Come join us at  The Business of Therapy Conference, Featuring award-winning play therapist and international speaker Lisa Dion in Denver, Colorado, November 11th-13th, 2022.

    For further questions regarding these sponsorship opportunities please email Jen: info@jentaylorplaytherapy.com or scroll below for a description of the Sponsorship Opportunities.

  • want ongoing support to continue to learn and grow in the application of Synergetic Play Therapy® or you would like to receive consultation from an SPT lens, we've got you covered! ... **Groups must consistent of 4 individuals.  This 6 month Consultation Group is for you, if:
    • You feel alone in your practice of SPT and want to be a part of a SPT community
    • You sometimes feel “stuck” with your clients
    • You want feedback regarding your skills so that you can take them to the next level
    • You want support in learning and integrating various applications of SPT to your clinical work
    • You want to keep learning and growing as a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist
    • You want to hear other cases and learn from others
    This consultation group, facilitated by Lindsay Ishman, is designed to offer support and guidance to individuals that have graduated from the SPT Certification Course.  The purpose of this group is for individuals to bring real cases and questions regarding application of Synergetic Play Therapy in their clinical practice. *See description below for dates and times.
  • "I am always excited to repeat the retreats as an alumni for three reasons. First, there is always new information to be had. Second, each time I hear the information that Lisa imparts, I hear it in a different way. Lastly, it is so wonderful to be in such a supportive environment with like-minded people. I can’t get enough!" - Johanna Simmons Ask and you shall receive! After much feedback from Certified SPTers like you, we have broadened the Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification learning retreats and, now, the live webinar classes. As an esteemed alumni, you are invited to return and be a part of the upcoming 2024-2025 Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification Program. Embark on a one-of-a kind experience of connection and community - mentor, master, and make new memories! Choose the option that feels most congruent for you (details below) and come be yourself over and over again! In addition to the learning retreats, you also have the option of purchasing access to all of the program's bimonthly, live webinar classes! Registration closes August 1st, 2024, for the 2024-2025 Retreat Dates! For class details and objectives, please see below.

    These are just a few words students have used to describe this course!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 9th-11th, 2023, for the next The Business of Therapy course! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - Elevate and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  "This weekend was one of the best investments in myself I have ever made." - Bianca Kisselburg This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don't know where to start
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level
    • Have launched a dream and can't seem to get traction
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth 
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that your business is working for you, not you having to keep working your business
    And this year's event will be held at the gorgeous Renaissance Denver Downtown City Center Hotel, housed in the former Colorado National Bank building! This building's historic allure is just one of the reasons The Denver Post coined it as the "most beautiful room in Denver"! Located in Denver's financial district, this area is buzzing with individuals ready to get down to business just like you! We chose this location for you as a symbol of your worth and the possibility of your goals - because you are worth it! And you deserve to dream BIG!  


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the In-Person Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course online, click here!

    These are just a few words students have used to describe this course!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 9th-11th, 2023, for the next The Business of Therapy course! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - Elevate and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  "This weekend was one of the best investments in myself I have ever made." - Bianca Kisselburg This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don't know where to start
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level
    • Have launched a dream and can't seem to get traction
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth 
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that your business is working for you, not you having to keep working your business
    And this year's event will be held at the gorgeous Renaissance Denver Downtown City Center Hotel, housed in the former Colorado National Bank building! This building's historic allure is just one of the reasons The Denver Post coined it as the "most beautiful room in Denver"! Located in Denver's financial district, this area is buzzing with individuals ready to get down to business just like you! We chose this location for you as a symbol of your worth and the possibility of your goals - because you are worth it! And you deserve to dream BIG!  


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this online course! If you know that you would like to attend the course in-person, click here!

    These are just a few words students have used to describe this course!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 9th-11th, 2023, for the next The Business of Therapy course! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - Elevate and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  "This weekend was one of the best investments in myself I have ever made." - Bianca Kisselburg This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don't know where to start
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level
    • Have launched a dream and can't seem to get traction
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth 
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that your business is working for you, not you having to keep working your business
    And this year's event will be held at the gorgeous Renaissance Denver Downtown City Center Hotel, housed in the former Colorado National Bank building! This building's historic allure is just one of the reasons The Denver Post coined it as the "most beautiful room in Denver"! Located in Denver's financial district, this area is buzzing with individuals ready to get down to business just like you! We chose this location for you as a symbol of your worth and the possibility of your goals - because you are worth it! And you deserve to dream BIG!  


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the In-Person Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course online, click here!

    These are just a few words students have used to describe this course!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 9th-11th, 2023, for the next The Business of Therapy course! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - Elevate and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  "This weekend was one of the best investments in myself I have ever made." - Bianca Kisselburg This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don't know where to start
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level
    • Have launched a dream and can't seem to get traction
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth 
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that your business is working for you, not you having to keep working your business
    And this year's event will be held at the gorgeous Renaissance Denver Downtown City Center Hotel, housed in the former Colorado National Bank building! This building's historic allure is just one of the reasons The Denver Post coined it as the "most beautiful room in Denver"! Located in Denver's financial district, this area is buzzing with individuals ready to get down to business just like you! We chose this location for you as a symbol of your worth and the possibility of your goals - because you are worth it! And you deserve to dream BIG!  


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this online course! If you know that you would like to attend the course in-person, click here!

    These are just a few words students have used to describe this course!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 9th-11th, 2023, for the next The Business of Therapy course! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - Elevate and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  "This weekend was one of the best investments in myself I have ever made." - Bianca Kisselburg This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don't know where to start
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level
    • Have launched a dream and can't seem to get traction
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth 
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that your business is working for you, not you having to keep working your business
    And this year's event will be held at the gorgeous Renaissance Denver Downtown City Center Hotel, housed in the former Colorado National Bank building! This building's historic allure is just one of the reasons The Denver Post coined it as the "most beautiful room in Denver"! Located in Denver's financial district, this area is buzzing with individuals ready to get down to business just like you! We chose this location for you as a symbol of your worth and the possibility of your goals - because you are worth it! And you deserve to dream BIG!  


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the In-Person Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course online, click here!

    These are just a few words students have used to describe this course!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 9th-11th, 2023, for the next The Business of Therapy course! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - Elevate and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  "This weekend was one of the best investments in myself I have ever made." - Bianca Kisselburg This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don't know where to start
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level
    • Have launched a dream and can't seem to get traction
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth 
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that your business is working for you, not you having to keep working your business
    And this year's event will be held at the gorgeous Renaissance Denver Downtown City Center Hotel, housed in the former Colorado National Bank building! This building's historic allure is just one of the reasons The Denver Post coined it as the "most beautiful room in Denver"! Located in Denver's financial district, this area is buzzing with individuals ready to get down to business just like you! We chose this location for you as a symbol of your worth and the possibility of your goals - because you are worth it! And you deserve to dream BIG!  


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this online course! If you know that you would like to attend the course in-person, click here!
  • Get $50 USD OFF until September 6, 2024, when you use the Early Bird coupon code BOT202450 at checkout!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!

    Hear what past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the Virtual/Online Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course in-person, click here! *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • Registration Deadline for In-Person attendance is October 11, 2024.

    Registration Deadline for Virtual/Online attendance is October 31, 2024.


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!

    VIP Experience is SOLD OUT! WOW, that was fast! Thank you to the lucky first 20 to register!

    New this year, an exclusive VIP experience for just 20 attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis! Join Lisa for 4 additional hours on the final day and prepare to dive into more invaluable insights - Lisa will personally guide you through a series of exercises designed to fine-tune your plans and propel you toward success! Your VIP pass also comes with special surprises along the way, focused time with Lisa, and, to top it off, a night out in New Orleans together (should you choose to join us)! Lisa will also be hosting a virtual "meet and greet" for VIPs only prior to the first day of the course to share details about the VIP Experience and begin to discuss your goals! *This limited VIP Experience is available to In-Person participants only. Select "The Business of Therapy (In-Person + VIP Experience)" from the drop down menu below to secure your spot while they last! This year’s event will be held at the luxurious Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Avenue Hotel, located in the Central Business District of New Orleans! How perfect is that? This hotel was built in 1926 as the Louisiana Masonic Temple and is minutes away from the French Quarter, home to Canal and Bourbon Street! Get ready to experience historical elegance, luxurious accommodations, culinary delights, rooftop views, and award-winning service! Let the good times roll!

    Hear what fellow past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom Podcast, we delve into the intricate world of children's lying behavior in this thought-provoking. Participants explored the underlying motives and protective patterns driving lying behavior, challenging traditional views on honesty. Through real-world examples and practical strategies, learn to create a neuroception of safety that fosters trust and authenticity. Gain insights into recognizing lying patterns and responding therapeutically to promote honesty and connection. This Lessons From The Playroom episode offers valuable tools and techniques for caregivers and professionals seeking to navigate lying behavior with empathy and understanding, ultimately fostering meaningful relationships with children.    Course details below.
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom, we will talk about the concept of emotional age and its profound impact on therapeutic interactions with children. Through insightful discussion and practical examples, participants will explore the distinction between chronological and emotional age, gaining valuable tools to assess and attune to a child's emotional state. Participants will learn strategies to recognize emotional regression in children and themselves, fostering deeper levels of empathy and understanding. By understanding and working with emotional age, therapists can better support children through their healing journey, creating a nurturing environment for growth and development.   Course details below.
  • This is not a play therapy retreat! This is a retreat for you!  This retreat is focused on achieving your dreams and relying on our community to support you on that journey!  The theme of this retreat is “Building Your Dreams and Building Your Business.” This retreat includes instruction time as we work through our money mindset, conquer our fears/blocks that are holding us back, and find footing with strategy!   There's plenty of time for contemplation, vision planning, walks in nature, and naps on porches to help you dream and build as you put it all down on paper. They'll be lots of bonding, too! From yoga to energy healings to a celebration of each other, this retreat serves as a time to reunite, regenerate, relax, and – of course - regulate! And we’re doing it all in style! The house we’re renting sits on forty acres with its own river, forest, and beach. It’s an organic working farm complete with goats, chickens, ducks, cats, and dogs. The house itself offers resort-like features – spacious, homey, and filled with spectacular views.  
  • 1 time payment for: Christine Nicholson 750.00 AUD   [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Select your currency based on the retreat location you would like to attend and wait for the page to refresh before adding to cart." widget_type="dropdown"] For example: If you reside in the US but want to attend the retreats in Canada you will choose the Canadian Currency, wait for the page to refresh, and then select your plan to add to your cart.
  • Pay in Full - Select one.  Australia = $4,800.00 AUD   [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Select your currency based on the retreat location you would like to attend and wait for the page to refresh before adding to cart." widget_type="dropdown"] For example: If you reside in the USA, but want to attend the retreats in Australia, you will choose the Australian Currency, wait for the page to refresh, and then select your plan to add to your cart. If attending the Online Retreat, select USD from the drop down menu.
  • "The Intro to SPT class is the best class I have ever taken. There is no better training for counselors! I have a deeper understanding of the process and how to help children in the playroom. It has given me a whole new perspective and changed my life both personally and professionally. Being authentic allows you to be free. There are just no words to describe it!" -Nancy Asher Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® is a 22-hour course that takes you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to repattern a child's nervous system, and what it means to become an external regulator in the playroom. You will also learn how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration. And if this wasn't enough, you will come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity. You'll learn all this while also how to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! Curious what this class is all about? Get the details here. And, check out what past students have to say Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® Prerequisite Training:
    • Completed or enrolled in a Master’s Degree (or equivalent) program in counseling, social work, or education
    • Previous experience working with children and families (required)
    • Basic understanding of play therapy and play therapy skills (required)
    *For class details and objectives, see below.
  • During your journey to become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist you studied nervous system regulation, authenticity and congruency, interoception, emotional age, and so much more to help you become more  masterful at becoming an external regulator for a child and their caregivers.  You also learned how to apply these concepts to yourself for your own growth and development in order to heal yourself and develop your capacity for self-regulation.  And now it is time to take the next step towards self mastery…. Go deeper into the development of yourself -  Deeper into understanding the body and your own activation patterns - Deeper into your mind - Deeper into integrating your perceptions and working on emotional charges that you have held onto or are holding onto. 💖 "A dazzling few days full of paradigm shifts, connection to self and others, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable." - Machen Champion 💖 "My experience at the Advanced Certified SPT retreat was uncomfortable, mind-blowing, and ultimately life changing and I wouldn't have it any other way." - Rachel Hardies For course details and topics covered, see below.  
  • Get $50 USD OFF until September 6, 2024, when you use the Early Bird coupon code BOT202450 at checkout!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!

    Hear what past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the Virtual/Online Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course in-person, click here! *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • Helping children learn how to regulate is essential, but without first strengthening the child's interoceptive sense, regulation may not be successful. This experiential workshop offers various opportunities to explore how play can develop this fundamental part of the sensory system. As play therapists, there is an understanding that regulation and co-regulation are essential skills that must be developed in order to have successful relationships and manage emotions, and are essential for trauma integration; however, what many play therapists may not fully understand is that there is a prerequisite that needs to be in place for regulation skills to be effective.  What has been understood for years in the world of Occupational Therapy is now becoming a primary focus of education for play therapists. This important understanding is that the child’s interoceptive sense, the 8th sensory system that is responsible for letting the brain know how the body is doing, must be developed first before a child can successfully regulate and co-regulate.   Without the development and strengthening of the interoceptive sense, a child may have all kinds of regulation knowledge and tools but will not be able to read their own body cues to know when to use any of them. Examples such as knowing when to use the bathroom, when to take a deep breath, when to ask for help, the ability to read non-verbal cues, knowing when emotions are feeling overwhelming, etc. all rely on interoception.   This playful workshop is designed to help play therapists learn what the interoceptive sense is and how to use play to develop interoception in their child clients setting the stage for successful regulation and co-regulation. Play therapists will have fun experientially exploring this fundamental part of the sensory system! (This course is a recording of a 2 hour live webinar held in November 2023) See course details below.
  • Meet the Demartini Institute's Pre-Requisites for the Demartini Method® Training Program & Bypass the Breakthrough Experience!

    Now that you have attended the Advanced Self Mastery program with Lisa and have completed the Full Day Demartini Method® for Groups, you have the opportunity to "fast track" your learning and bypass attendance at The Breakthrough Experience® offered by the Demartini Institute!
    During this 3-hour video course, Lisa will walk you through the key principles and columns of the Demartini Method® (Side A and Side B) giving you the opportunity to deepen your learning. In addition to this review, Lisa will introduce you to Dr. Demartini's Gain/Loss Process (Side C)!
    Once you have completed this video course, you will be granted a certificate of completion which will then allow you to register for the Demartini Method® Training Program offered through the Demartini Institute (all registration details will be provided to you in your course site).
    *Even if you have already attended The Breakthrough Experience® through the Demartini Institute or if you aren't quite sure if you want to register for the Demartini Method® Training program, attending this Demartini Method® Review with Lisa will still be a valuable experience!
    See course details below.
  • "The Intro to SPT class is the best class I have ever taken. There is no better training for counselors! I have a deeper understanding of the process and how to help children in the playroom. It has given me a whole new perspective and changed my life both personally and professionally. Being authentic allows you to be free. There are just no words to describe it!" -Nancy Asher Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® is a 22-hour course that takes you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to repattern a child's nervous system, and what it means to become an external regulator in the playroom. You will also learn how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration. And if this wasn't enough, you will come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity. You'll learn all this while also how to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! Curious what this class is all about? Get the details here. And, check out what past students have to say Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® Prerequisite Training:
    • Completed or enrolled in a Master’s Degree (or equivalent) program in counseling, social work, or education
    • Previous experience working with children and families (required)
    • Basic understanding of play therapy and play therapy skills (required)
    *For class details and objectives, see below.
  • Early Bird Payment Plan: 18 Months:  $243 USD **Save! Get $500 (US Dollars) or $670 (Australian Dollars) off the full cost of the course when you pay in full AND by the early bird deadline for a massive discount!!* Early bird deadline depends on which course you are currently in or have taken in the past. Payment must be made 30 days from your early bird deadline.     
  • Pay in Full Cost North/South America & Europe = $4,400.00 USD Australia/Asia/Africa = $6,300.00 AUD   [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Widget title (optional)" widget_type="dropdown"]
  • Get $100 USD OFF until September 6, 2024, when you use the Early Bird coupon code BOT2024100 at checkout!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!
    This year’s event will be held at the luxurious Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Avenue Hotel, located in the Central Business District of New Orleans! How perfect is that? This hotel was built in 1926 as the Louisiana Masonic Temple and is minutes away from the French Quarter, home to Canal and Bourbon Street! Get ready to experience historical elegance, luxurious accommodations, culinary delights, rooftop views, and award-winning service! Let the good times roll!

    VIP Experience is SOLD OUT! WOW, that was fast! Thank you to the lucky first 20 to register!

    New this year, an exclusive VIP experience for just 20 attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis! Join Lisa for 4 additional hours on the final day and prepare to dive into more invaluable insights - Lisa will personally guide you through a series of exercises designed to fine-tune your plans and propel you toward success! Your VIP pass also comes with special surprises along the way, focused time with Lisa, and, to top it off, a night out in New Orleans together (should you wish to join)! Lisa will also be hosting a virtual "meet and greet" for VIPs only prior to the first day of the course to share details about the VIP Experience and begin to discuss your goals!

    Hear what past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the In-Person Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course Online/Virtually, click here! *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • Do you want ongoing support to continue to learn and grow in the application of Synergetic Play Therapy® or you would like to receive consultation from an SPT lens, we've got you covered! ... This 6 month Consultation Group is for you, if:
    • You feel alone in your practice of SPT and want to be a part of a SPT community
    • You sometimes feel “stuck” with your clients
    • You want feedback regarding your skills so that you can take them to the next level
    • You want support in learning and integrating various applications of SPT to your clinical work
    • You want to keep learning and growing as a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist
    • You want to hear other cases and learn from others
    This consultation group, facilitated by Mary Hagan, is designed to offer support and guidance to individuals that have graduated from the SPT Certification Course.  The purpose of this group is for individuals to bring real cases and questions regarding application of Synergetic Play Therapy in their clinical practice. *See description below for dates and times.
  • With an understanding of aggressive play based on brain function and neuroscience, this book provides therapists with a framework to work authentically with aggressive play, while making it an integrative and therapeutic experience for the child. Through the lens of principles from Synergetic Play Therapy®, therapists are taught how to integrate the intensity experienced by both the child and the therapist during aggressive play in a way that leads towards greater healing and integration.  The book explains the neurological processes that lead kids to dysregulation and provides therapists with tools to help their clients facilitate deep emotional healing, without causing their own nervous system to shut down. Chapter Topics Include:
    • Aggression in the Playroom and Making Aggressive Play Therapeutic
    • Understanding the Nervous System
    • What Regulation Really Means
    • Developing Yourself as the External Regulator
    • The Set-Up in Play Therapy
    • Authentic Expression
    • Setting Boundaries
    • Working with Emotional Flooding
    • Hyper-Aroused Play
    • Observing Play
    • Hypo-Aroused Play
    • Working with Parents
    See book study details below.
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