How Play Therapy Really Works (Affiliate Course)

I could watch Lisa talk about play therapy all day. This workshop gives you really helpful, crystallized ideas and nuggets about the play therapy process and how it allows children to heal. Definitely worth a watch when you’re maybe feeling stuck with a specific client, or running out of metaphors to communicate the efficacy of play therapy with colleagues or parents.” -Malia Segal

Lisa unlocks the therapeutic powers of play in this foundational neuroscience-rich training ….

In a profession that is fighting for recognition and to be taken seriously, not fully understanding exactly how play therapy transformation takes place is a void. Without really understanding how attuned play works to bring about lasting change, therapists are left feeling uncertain and missing the language to effectively talk to parents, teachers and other influential people in children’s lives.

The therapist’s ability to influence other professions to see the value in play therapy is also impacted. This presentation is designed to fill in gaps in the play therapist’s understanding by addressing the answer to this very important question- how exactly does play therapy work? Through presentation and discussion, participants will be taken into the minds and biology of children for an inside look at what goes on that leads to their transformation and healing.

With the help of neuroscience, brain development, and interpersonal neurobiology, the “how” will be answered allowing participants to truly understand the process and what exactly is going on in the playroom. This dynamic, eye-opening and thought provoking presentation will empower therapists to begin to move beyond their current framework.

This course is for you if you want to …

  • Integrate the neuroscience behind the therapeutic powers of play therapy
  • Better articulate to parents why play therapy works
  • How children use toys to understand themselves

For course details and objectives, see below. For a list of all available products, please go here.



What: A 1.5-hour course designed to embrace the magic of play.

When: You decide.

Where: Playroom. Boardroom. Living room.

What Will You Learn … How Play Therapy Really Works Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to describe the process of change that children go through in play therapy.
  • Participants will be able to describe how the projective process works and how children use the toys and the therapist to understand themselves.
  • Participants will analyze how the therapist’s window of tolerance supports the child in being able to integrate their challenging perceptions and feelings.
  • Participants will analyze the intersection between neuroscience and the therapeutic powers of play to understand how transformation occurs for a child in play therapy.
  • Participants will be able to describe the importance of understanding the therapeutic powers of play as a key foundation for play therapy practice.
  • Participants will list reasons why understanding how play therapy works is a challenge for many play therapists.

While I’ve been studying and practicing play therapy for many years, Lisa was the first person to break down what is happening in sessions in this way. I have so much more information I can add to my tool box!” -Candace Hanson

Credits: 1.5 Non-Contact Credits*

*This program is sold by Kid Matters Counseling, P.C., APT Approved Provider #18-533. For an understanding of which credits can be used towards your RPT or continuing education, please contact APT for the most updated requirements. Also, please note that play therapy credit may not be awarded to non-mental health professionals.

Cost: $47.97 (USD)

Instructor: Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S and Susan Stutzman, MA, LCPC, RPT


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