• How to Support and Understand An Adoptee Through A Play Therapy Lens

    Every adoption experience is unique, with a wide variety of perceptions. Yet at the heart of many stories is the deep sense of grief and loss, not only for the children but for the parents too. This can show up in and out of the playroom as complex trauma and a struggle with relationships. Healing involves helping children and parents connect to themselves, simultaneously asking therapists to become aware of the impact of the complexity and emotions that also arise within themselves. This course explores this complex issue.
  • Embark on an enlightening journey with Lisa Dion as she delves into strategies for optimizing the intake process! In this course, you will gain insights into how the foundation of a therapeutic relationship is laid during the intake session and how this extends throughout the entire intake and into the clinical engagement. Lisa will impart valuable lessons on structuring the intake, commencing from the initial point of contact all the way to the conclusion of the session. Witness how Lisa skillfully incorporates key themes from Synergetic Play Therapy®, such as the regulation of the nervous system and a nuanced understanding of how the brain functions, into the intake process. We will also explore the pivotal and validating role of the therapist in the playroom, emphasizing how their presence can significantly influence the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship with the client, family, and beyond.
  • "I could watch Lisa talk about play therapy all day. This workshop gives you really helpful, crystallized ideas and nuggets about the play therapy process and how it allows children to heal. Definitely worth a watch when you're maybe feeling stuck with a specific client, or running out of metaphors to communicate the efficacy of play therapy with colleagues or parents." -Malia Segal Lisa unlocks the therapeutic powers of play in this foundational neuroscience-rich training .... In a profession that is fighting for recognition and to be taken seriously, not fully understanding exactly how play therapy transformation takes place is a void. Without really understanding how attuned play works to bring about lasting change, therapists are left feeling uncertain and missing the language to effectively talk to parents, teachers and other influential people in children’s lives. The therapist's ability to influence other professions to see the value in play therapy is also impacted. This presentation is designed to fill in gaps in the play therapist’s understanding by addressing the answer to this very important question- how exactly does play therapy work? Through presentation and discussion, participants will be taken into the minds and biology of children for an inside look at what goes on that leads to their transformation and healing. With the help of neuroscience, brain development, and interpersonal neurobiology, the “how” will be answered allowing participants to truly understand the process and what exactly is going on in the playroom. This dynamic, eye-opening and thought provoking presentation will empower therapists to begin to move beyond their current framework. This course is for you if you want to ...
    • Integrate the neuroscience behind the therapeutic powers of play therapy
    • Better articulate to parents why play therapy works
    • How children use toys to understand themselves
    For course details and objectives, see below. For a list of all available products, please go here.
  • Divorce. The “D” word. The end of the marital road. A happily ever after run amok. It’s something that often gets a bad rap, especially when we think of the children stuck in the middle. But divorce, while it can be devastating to some kids, can also be a relief for others. Children’s perceptions are not all the same. This webinar explores how to support children in play therapy when they are experiencing divorce and separation.
  • Divorce. The “D” word. The end of the marital road. A happily ever after run amok. It’s something that often gets a bad rap, especially when we think of the children stuck in the middle. But divorce, while it can be devastating to some kids, can also be a relief for others. Children’s perceptions are not all the same. This course explores how to support children in play therapy when they are experiencing divorce and separation.
  • Being a therapist is not an easy job as it requires an on-going commitment to show up day in and day out when your clients need you ... But what happens when the people we are serving aren't the only ones in crisis? What happens when we are in crisis too? (We are human after all). And what happens if it's the same crisis?! In this special one-hour webinar (Part 3 of Regulating Through the Coronavirus webinar series), you'll reconnect to yourself and gain greater internal resources to help you overcome many of the challenges of being a therapist right now.
  • Have you found it difficult, confusing, tiring, or maybe even exhausting wearing your two hats day in and day out? One as a therapist and the other as a parent?... Lisa totally gets it!!...as both a therapist and a parent these past 15 years. This one-hour recorded webinar that will help you discover ways to be the most important toy in both the playroom and in your own home!  
  • Oh yes! You likely know what we're talking about ... the feeling of never being "good enough" ... holding yourself back because of pervasive feelings of shame and self-doubt ... the constant worry/anxiety of not measuring up or fear of being outed as a fraud. It may trap you in a cycle of self-doubt, erode your courage and confidence, undermine your success, and lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled goals, and a tendency to hide or hold yourself back. Sound familiar?... [Sigh ] ... Let's take a deep breath and acknowledge how challenging and debilitating "imposter syndrome" can be. Lisa wants to help you begin to overcome imposter syndrome in your life.
  • Therapists and clinicians are always experiencing a secondary impact when working with clients who have experienced or are experiencing trauma, crisis, or challenge. A big statement, we know, but it's true. We can't avoid being impacted and it has a lot to do with the brain's mirror neuron system. When we're in the midst of listening or playing through the trauma with the child, we're tracking our client's non-verbal cues. And as we're tracking our client's non-verbal cues, their non-verbal cues are giving us insight into what is happening within them. THIS puts us directly IN the experience with our clients. We'll experience the fear together, the anxiety together, the sadness together, the overwhelm together - Whatever is going on, we'll experience it together including the trauma. That's why we would love to have you join us for this FREE 1-hour webinar to help you navigate the secondary traumatization that can often come along with this profession that we love!
  • In this workshop, participants will delve into the world of "shoulds" and negative self-talk; those internalized expectations and societal norms that often shape our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions while influencing our lives, physiology, and well-being.   During this hour, we will uncover the complex interplay of factors that contribute to the formation of "shoulds" and most importantly, the unique role they play in our psychology. Understanding how “shoulds” and negative self-talk form, the connection they have with our physiology, and the purpose behind them will help you reframe these patterns as valuable feedback systems on the pathway toward authenticity and congruency. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to harness the power of “shoulds” and negative self-talk for personal growth and self-discovery! And, one of the best parts is that you will be able to take this information and have a better understanding of what is happening with your clients and loved ones, as well!
  • Chances are, you read the title of the webinar and thought, "What! You want me to do what with rejection?!" (We know ... it might not quite make sense yet.) Or perhaps you know that rejection has a purpose in your life, but you still find yourself having a "love/hate" relationship with it. Either way, rejection can be one of the toughest things to experience - it gets right down to your core self and brings up all of your "Am I ok?" feelings. And this is what we're going to talk about in this one-hour free webinar! ... and more specifically, how to embrace it! - like you're best-est of friends (Yes, you heard that right too.)
  • Lisa Dion and her dear friend, Peter Bliss join forces again to support you in staying connected during the Holidays ....with the message that staying calm is not the objective or solution for getting through not only the challenges and uncertainty of the world we live in right now, but also this holiday season (because as we know, it's not always about cheer and jubilee).
  • In this free one-hour webinar, you’ll understand how to manage your stress, fear, anxiety and depression and why it’s important to do so … And that’s not even the best part - You’ll be shown mindfulness strategy after mindfulness strategy, offered understanding of the neuroscience behind each, and guided through how to use them - go from “not just a good idea” to why you would do it and when you would use it.
  • In response to COVID-19, the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute began offering free webinars to address the challenges, stress and impact that therapists, teachers, parents, and those on the frontlines were facing. Since then, we've continued to offer free webinars to support you on your professional and personal life's journey. Please enjoy free access to these very special webinars. You may view and share it with as many people as you feel it would help.
  • Out of stock

    Course Will BE Rescheduled Due to Unforeseen Circumstances!

    Please contact the Institute if you have any questions in the meantime!

    As a Play Therapist Supervisor supporting supervisees (or as someone on their way to becoming a supervisor), you know that working with children and their families involves a complexity that is like no other, especially when thinking about legal and ethical considerations.  When navigating the ethical issues that arise during the play therapy process, we have found that many Play Therapy Supervisors often ask:
    • What exactly is my role and how do I stay in my role?
    • What should my paperwork and documentation look like?
    • What are my ethical responsibilities as a supervisor?
    • How do I increase my awareness on how cultural diversity impacts play therapy, and thus supervision?"
    To address these and other important questions, Liliana Baylon, LMFT-S, RPT-S* and the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute's Cultural Ambassador, will lead you through a 3-hour online course on the topic of "Ethical Issues in Play Therapy Supervision". This live webinar course will help you and other Play Therapist Supervisors manage both the administrative and clinical aspects of play therapy supervision while adhering to general ethical considerations and guidelines. And, if you are a Certified SPTer planning to enroll in the next offering of the Becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor program, completion of this course will count toward the program requirement of completing a course related to the topics of legal and/or ethics in play therapy supervision! This is an opportunity to get that requirement out of the way now!   For class details and objectives, see below.
  • Every therapist has been there - in a session with a child who doesn't want to come in the room, a child who doesn't want to do the task, a child who only wants to avoid the issue.  This webinar explores what to do when a child client's language and behavior say "no."  Join us as we explore resistance, with a focus on differentiating resistance from avoidance and differentiating resistance from the dorsal collapse in the nervous system. Emotional flooding is explored as well.
  • Every therapist has been there – in a session with a child who doesn’t want to come in the room, a child who doesn’t want to do the task, a child who only wants to avoid the issue. This course explores what to do when a child client’s language and behavior say “no.” Join us as we explore resistance, with a focus on differentiating resistance from avoidance and differentiating resistance from the dorsal collapse in the nervous system. Emotional flooding is explored as well.
  • Eating challenges in children can show up in many ways. From the refusal to eat to eating too much, underneath often lies the need for perfectionism and control. Helping kids take these challenges off their plates involves offering choices and uncovering co-existing issues, as well as providing parental support.  This course takes a look at this important struggle.
  • Eating challenges in children can show up in many ways. From the refusal to eat to eating too much, underneath often lies the need for perfectionism and control. Helping kids take these challenges off their plates involves offering choices and uncovering co-existing issues, as well as providing parental support. This course takes a look at this important struggle.
  • Helping children learn how to regulate is essential, but without first strengthening the child's interoceptive sense, regulation may not be successful. This experiential workshop offers various opportunities to explore how play can develop this fundamental part of the sensory system. As play therapists, there is an understanding that regulation and co-regulation are essential skills that must be developed in order to have successful relationships and manage emotions, and are essential for trauma integration; however, what many play therapists may not fully understand is that there is a prerequisite that needs to be in place for regulation skills to be effective.  What has been understood for years in the world of Occupational Therapy is now becoming a primary focus of education for play therapists. This important understanding is that the child’s interoceptive sense, the 8th sensory system that is responsible for letting the brain know how the body is doing, must be developed first before a child can successfully regulate and co-regulate.   Without the development and strengthening of the interoceptive sense, a child may have all kinds of regulation knowledge and tools but will not be able to read their own body cues to know when to use any of them. Examples such as knowing when to use the bathroom, when to take a deep breath, when to ask for help, the ability to read non-verbal cues, knowing when emotions are feeling overwhelming, etc. all rely on interoception.   This playful workshop is designed to help play therapists learn what the interoceptive sense is and how to use play to develop interoception in their child clients setting the stage for successful regulation and co-regulation. Play therapists will have fun experientially exploring this fundamental part of the sensory system! (This course is a recording of a 2 hour live webinar held in November 2023) See course details below.
  • Please use this payment plan to begin your custom installment plan of $179/month for 8 months toward your balance of $1,432 USD for the 2023-2024 Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program.   Please contact the Institute with any questions, info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.
  • This 1.5-hour recorded webinar, in the form of a roundtable discussion, delves into the evolving landscape of diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness in mental health, exploring how to create a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical practice. Led by Lisa Dion, guest panelists Marshall Lyles, Liliana Baylon, and Robert Jason Grant will share their insights and expertise on a range of essential topics, fostering a deeper understanding of the role culture plays in the therapy process, embracing neurodiversity, and creating inclusive play spaces to cater to individual needs.  *The course is provided by the Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation. The Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation is dedicated to helping make play therapy trainings accessible and affordable to clinicians worldwide and to funding research initiatives in Synergetic Play Therapy®. The Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation provides scholarships to clinicians seeking post-graduate training in Synergetic Play Therapy® or another play therapy model of their choosing. Scholarships are funded through donations from webinars, donors, and supporters of Play Therapy. By purchasing this course, you are making a direct donation to the Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation. All proceeds will contribute to future scholarships and to the foundation itself! Please scroll down for course details and objectives.
  • The Synergetic Play Therapy Institute® in collaboration with PIP Solutions presents “Conceptualizing Cases from a Synergetic Play Therapy® Lens”. Translating a right brain play experience into a left brain conceptualization is not an easy task.  Play therapists often grapple with a sense of uncertainty when trying to comprehend a child’s unique therapeutic progression and assessing whether goals are being achieved. This course, led by Lisa Dion, aims to address this issue by introducing a structured framework derived from Synergetic Play Therapy. Students will gain insights into how to conceptualize cases effectively and apply this framework to enhance the efficacy of their therapeutic interventions.
  • 1 time payment for: Christine Nicholson 750.00 AUD   [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Select your currency based on the retreat location you would like to attend and wait for the page to refresh before adding to cart." widget_type="dropdown"] For example: If you reside in the US but want to attend the retreats in Canada you will choose the Canadian Currency, wait for the page to refresh, and then select your plan to add to your cart.
  • Whether you're looking for how to engage the resistant child, turn Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) into opportunities for growth and resilience, use yoga to increase your ability to connect to yourself and your clients, or create a neuroception of safety in the playroom, we have you covered. Explore these topics and so many others in our one-hour courses below. Then choose 4 courses to create a bundle for only $119 and save (valued at $140 USD!)  You can buy as many bundles as you would like (each as a new order)! See below for course descriptions. To view course details and objectives, click to the right of the title.
  • With an understanding of aggressive play based on brain function and neuroscience, this book provides therapists with a framework to work authentically with aggressive play, while making it an integrative and therapeutic experience for the child. Through the lens of principles from Synergetic Play Therapy®, therapists are taught how to integrate the intensity experienced by both the child and the therapist during aggressive play in a way that leads towards greater healing and integration.  The book explains the neurological processes that lead kids to dysregulation and provides therapists with tools to help their clients facilitate deep emotional healing, without causing their own nervous system to shut down. Chapter Topics Include:
    • Aggression in the Playroom and Making Aggressive Play Therapeutic
    • Understanding the Nervous System
    • What Regulation Really Means
    • Developing Yourself as the External Regulator
    • The Set-Up in Play Therapy
    • Authentic Expression
    • Setting Boundaries
    • Working with Emotional Flooding
    • Hyper-Aroused Play
    • Observing Play
    • Hypo-Aroused Play
    • Working with Parents
    See book study details below.
  • Research in neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology sheds light on the need for the play therapist to act as the external regulator supporting the child to move towards the intensity they are experiencing allowing for integration. This 3 hour video course explores this need during trauma integration for two primary reasons: 1) The child need to borrow the play therapist’s regulatory capacity as they work through their traumatic thoughts, feelings and sensations in play therapy and 2) The play therapist’s ability to regulate themselves during the intensity increases the capacity for presence and attunement with the child, while simultaneously supporting the health and longevity of their own nervous system. Without the ability of the play therapist to become the external regulator for the intensity that arises during trauma integration, both the child and the play therapist are at risk for emotional flooding and high levels of dysregulation in their nervous systems. Over time, this can significantly impact a play therapist’s longevity in the field, as well as the ability to stay attuned and present to a child in sessions. This course is a recording of a 3 hour live webinar with Trusted Provider Network. See course details below.
  • "The experience of becoming a Synergetic Play Therapist Supervisor has been a journey in deepening my relationship and attachment to myself and therefore to those around me. I feel better resourced and skilled to support play therapists in their work and their own journeys. This course connected me to a community that I feel deeply privileged to be a part of. During a challenging time for our planet, I felt a connection to others that sustained me." -Katrina Bevelander Are you ready to become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor? For Certified Synergetic Play Therapists who meet the prerequisites we offer a path to becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor*. These courses also count towards Registered Play Therapy Supervisor requirements (please check with APT to determine full requirements). In this training, students will learn how to apply the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy and tenets to the supervisory relationship. Through video observation, didactic learning, group discussion, and self study (this course is heavy on independent study), students will learn how to step into the role of supervisor- one of the most important and influential roles in a play therapist's journey. Hear what other Certified SPT Therapists/Supervisors had to say about the course Application Deadline September 1st, 2022!  Please note: Completion of a Legal and Ethical Issues in Play Therapy Supervision course is not a prerequisite for this course. However, it must be completed before you can obtain the designation Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor. You will be asked to provide documentation of completion of a Legal and Ethical issues in Play Therapy supervision course. You will also need to have two supervisees during the six months of the course and that are willing to be video-taped. *Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor is a protected title held by those who have taken this training Please scroll down for class details and objectives.   [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Select your currency based on your location and wait for the page to refresh before adding to cart." widget_type="dropdown"]
  • Congratulations on your Acceptance into the Becoming a Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor Course!

    Please use this product to begin your 3-month payment plan and complete your registration for the Becoming a Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor Course. The deadline to register for this course is September 21, 2023, 12pm Mountain Time (Denver). Your registration will not be considered complete until payment is received. Please see below for all course details including important class dates/times, your instructor(s) information, and Cancellation policies! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.
  • Congratulations on your Acceptance into the Becoming a Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor Course!

    Please use this product to complete your registration for the Becoming a Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor Course. The deadline to register for this course is September 21, 2023, 12pm Mountain Time (Denver)Your registration will not be considered complete until payment is received. Please see below for all course details including important class dates/times, your instructor(s) information, and Cancellation policies! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.
  • Applications Are Now CLOSED! Thank you to all that applied for the 2023-2024 program!

    "The experience of becoming a Synergetic Play Therapist Supervisor has been a journey in deepening my relationship and attachment to myself and therefore to those around me. I feel better resourced and skilled to support play therapists in their work and their own journeys. This course connected me to a community that I feel deeply privileged to be a part of. During a challenging time for our planet, I felt a connection to others that sustained me." -Katrina Bevelander Are you ready to become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor? For Certified Synergetic Play Therapists who meet the prerequisites we offer a path to becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor*. These courses also count towards Registered Play Therapy Supervisor requirements (please check with APT to determine full requirements). In this training, students will learn how to apply the Synergetic Play Therapy® philosophy and tenets to the supervisory relationship. Through video observation, didactic learning, group discussion, and self study (this course is heavy on independent study), students will learn how to step into the role of play therapy supervisor - one of the most important and influential roles in a play therapist's journey. Course Prerequisites: • At least two years post SPT Certification, holding a clinical caseload during that time with a focus on the application of Synergetic Play Therapy® principles • Demonstrate at least a year's worth of post-certification supervision/consultation with a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor within 2 years of starting this course • Hold current LPC or LCSW Mental Health license or equivalent licensure/ability to offer supervision in your state or country • Hold "current" status of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapist™ credential • At least one year of purchase and participation in the SPT Community Membership within 2 years of starting this course Click Here to Submit Your Application for Fall 2023 (Applications have Closed) Please note: Completion of a Legal and Ethical Issues in Play Therapy Supervision course is not a prerequisite for this course, however, it must be completed before you can obtain the designation Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor. You will be asked to provide documentation of completion of a Legal and Ethical issues in Play Therapy supervision course. You will also need to have two supervisees during the six months of the course and that are willing to be video-taped. *Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor is a protected title held by those who have taken and completed all requirements of this training. Hear what other Certified SPT Therapists/Supervisors had to say about the course!   Please scroll down for course details!  
  • Registration Deadline is August 12th, 2024!

    This dynamic two-hour live webinar course delves into the intricate interplay between trauma, neurocognitive processes, and communication patterns, shedding light on the challenges therapists face when working with survivors of trauma, especially those from culturally diverse backgrounds or with language barriers. Did you know that trauma's profound impact on neurocognitive functioning can significantly influence communication dynamics within therapeutic settings? This, coupled with cultural and linguistic disparities, can pose an added challenge when trying to establish rapport and foster healing with clients, particularly among Limited English Proficient or Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals! Join Lisa Dion, Founder & President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute, and Mila Golovine, President & CEO of Masterword, for this live webinar course that navigates the intersections of cultural competency, trauma-informed therapy, and effective communication strategies. You will also get insights into enhancing the therapeutic alliance, fostering better client engagement, and ultimately improving therapeutic outcomes! Key highlights include:
    • Understanding how trauma affects neurocognitive processes and communication patterns.
    • Exploring cultural competence in therapy and its significance in trauma recovery.
    • Identifying challenges and strategies for effective communication with clients from diverse backgrounds.
    • Best practices for working with Limited English Proficient or Deaf/Hard of Hearing clients.
    • Practical techniques to promote therapeutic alliance and engagement.
    • Ethical considerations and sensitivity when utilizing interpreters in therapy sessions.
    Don't miss this chance to learn actionable insights and tools to navigating the complexities of trauma, culture, and language and to more effectively meet your clients at this complex intersection! *Closed captioning will be available through Zoom for this live webinar course. *If you are attending live, select the "Live Event" option from the dropdown menu below. (No playback will be provided) *If you are unable to attend live, select the "Home Study" option from the dropdown menu below to view the recording. (Must be completed within 7 days following the live event)  
  • Aggression and death are common parts of the play therapy process, yet many therapists don’t have a clear understanding of what to do and how to facilitate intensity. This can lead to inadvertently promoting aggression and low brain disorganization. It can also lead to the therapist feeling beat up, exhausted, and hyper-aroused, ultimately impacting their ability to stay attuned, remain present, and find inspiration in this field. Enter Synergetic Play Therapy®! Through an SPT lens, and a heavy dose of neuroscience, this 2-hour course helps therapists learn how to use play in a way that supports regulation – their own and their client’s! See course details below.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) can be a part of growing up. But how can we help turn these obstacles into opportunities for growth and resilience and apply this knowledge to the play therapy process? This course explores how play therapy can be used to help mitigate the effects of ACES. Learn the major categories of ACES, along with protective factors or strategies that have been shown to be helpful both in the short-term and long-term. This course is designed to enhance or increase the professional knowledge of graduate-level counselors.    
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