Being a therapist is not an easy job as it requires an on-going commitment to show up day in and day out when your clients need you … But what happens when the people we are serving aren’t the only ones in crisis? What happens when we are in crisis too? (We are human after all). And what happens if it’s the same crisis?! In this special one-hour webinar (Part 3 of Regulating Through the Coronavirus webinar series), you’ll reconnect to yourself and gain greater internal resources to help you overcome many of the challenges of being a therapist right now.
FREE: When the Therapist is in Crisis Too!
What: A 1-hour recorded webinar that will help you reconnect to yourself and gain greater internal resources to overcome the many of the challenges of being a therapist when in the midst of a crisis or facing your own crisis.
When: Anytime you want!
Where: Anywhere!
What You’ll Learn … in this recorded live webinar, Lisa offers teaching, support, and opportunity for self-reflection and discussion to help you answer some of these questions and more:
- How do we manage our own internal emotional states when we’re in the same crisis as our clients?
- How do we still maintain the role of external regulator when our nervous system is activated in high levels of dysregulation?
- How do we stay poised, connected to self, and hold a larger picture for our self and our clients when our window of tolerance is being tested?
- How do we address the feeling of having a greater sense of responsibility or pressure as a therapist during this time?
- How do we manage if we’re experiencing our own set of challenges during a time of crisis?
- How do we separate “mine from theirs” in a crisis?
Thank you for the webinar, what I heard was so relieving and supporting, especially during this difficult time of COVID. I wish we would have learnt to embrace the chaos and the crisis and be more authentic and real with our clients during our basic studies and not having to find out about it the hard way when we have our first crisis as therapists. Personally, I have been working with clients the last 11 years and I completely changed my way of work after my father died unexpectedly 4 years ago. I became more real, I share more about my experience and I allow myself to be emotional during sessions without feeling guilty. It has helped both my patients and me grow and be happy. Your sharing, your suggestions, and your words reassure me that we are in the “right” path to continue being therapists and I thank you again for that. Looking forward to watching more of your webinars. -Mariani (Μαριανή Παπανικολάου)
Cost: FREE
Instructor: Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S*
*Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S, is the founder and President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute. She is an international teacher, the creator of Synergetic Play Therapy, host of the Lessons from the Playroom podcast and author of Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity. She is the 2015 recipient of the Association for Play Therapy’s Professional Education and Training Award of Excellence.
If you are looking for more, checkout a very special webinar series – Regulating Through the Daily Challenges of the Coronavirus. Six-weeks of one-hour recorded live webinars with Lisa Dion to support you in regulating through the trials and tribulations of all the challenges you might be experiencing related to the Coronavirus pandemic. All webinars are archived for you to keep, so that you can keep reviewing and learning.
Would you like information on regulation for your organization or team? … If you would like Lisa to teach regulation to your team or create ways to support your organization, please contact her at
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