• How to Have a Successful Intake

    Embark on an enlightening journey with Lisa Dion as she delves into strategies for optimizing the intake process! In this course, you will gain insights into how the foundation of a therapeutic relationship is laid during the intake session and how this extends throughout the entire intake and into the clinical engagement. Lisa will impart valuable lessons on structuring the intake, commencing from the initial point of contact all the way to the conclusion of the session. Witness how Lisa skillfully incorporates key themes from Synergetic Play Therapy®, such as the regulation of the nervous system and a nuanced understanding of how the brain functions, into the intake process. We will also explore the pivotal and validating role of the therapist in the playroom, emphasizing how their presence can significantly influence the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship with the client, family, and beyond.
  • This 1.5-hour recorded webinar, in the form of a roundtable discussion, delves into the evolving landscape of diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness in mental health, exploring how to create a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical practice. Led by Lisa Dion, guest panelists Marshall Lyles, Liliana Baylon, and Robert Jason Grant will share their insights and expertise on a range of essential topics, fostering a deeper understanding of the role culture plays in the therapy process, embracing neurodiversity, and creating inclusive play spaces to cater to individual needs.  *The course is provided by the Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation. The Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation is dedicated to helping make play therapy trainings accessible and affordable to clinicians worldwide and to funding research initiatives in Synergetic Play Therapy®. The Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation provides scholarships to clinicians seeking post-graduate training in Synergetic Play Therapy® or another play therapy model of their choosing. Scholarships are funded through donations from webinars, donors, and supporters of Play Therapy. By purchasing this course, you are making a direct donation to the Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation. All proceeds will contribute to future scholarships and to the foundation itself! Please scroll down for course details and objectives.
  • The Synergetic Play Therapy Institute® in collaboration with PIP Solutions presents “Working with Adopted Children in Play Therapy”. Many adopted children have unique challenges which present in different ways in the playroom.  Play Therapists can often feel unsure but are aware of the importance of responding through a different lens.  In this course, there will be an emphasis on the importance of working with the child’s neuro-biological processes such as regulation and dys-regulation, as well as the importance of educating and working with the child’s adoptive parents. 
  • The Synergetic Play Therapy Institute® in collaboration with PIP Solutions presents “Conceptualizing Cases from a Synergetic Play Therapy® Lens”. Translating a right brain play experience into a left brain conceptualization is not an easy task.  Play therapists often grapple with a sense of uncertainty when trying to comprehend a child’s unique therapeutic progression and assessing whether goals are being achieved. This course, led by Lisa Dion, aims to address this issue by introducing a structured framework derived from Synergetic Play Therapy. Students will gain insights into how to conceptualize cases effectively and apply this framework to enhance the efficacy of their therapeutic interventions.
  • Working with families as a whole presents a complex and multifaceted endeavor, often marked by intricate dynamics. This course delves into the significance of integrating families into the play therapy process, providing guidance on effectively engaging all family members during sessions and examining the myriad benefits this inclusive approach offers.  You will also understand the role of the nervous system in family interactions and strategies for regulating and harmonizing family dynamics within the context of play therapy sessions.
  • From a stroll through the Lollipop woods of Candyland to a fight over the Thimble in Monopoly, games are part of childhood. In the playroom, certain games are more commonly used than others. How do we use chess as a pawn in our therapeutic healing? How can we call on checkers to check on the child’s state of regulation? What does a game tell us about a child’s emotional world? This webinar explores these questions and more!
  • Supporting a child struggling with obsessive compulsions and perfectionism can be incredibly challenging as the desire to move the child out of their rigidity and rituals can overshadow the deeper issues and stressors driving the behaviors.  In this course, you will gain an understanding of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, the behavior of perfectionism, and how play therapy can support the integration of the underlying drivers of the behaviors so as not to intensify the inner struggle that is often experienced by these children as they attempt to stop, control and even deny the urges in their bodies.
  • Helping a child heal involves helping them be themselves. One of the best ways to foster this type of environment is to cultivate safety. The therapist knowing the playroom is safe is not enough; the child must know it, too. This course explores what a neuroception of safety is and how to create it within the child and yourself.
  • Divorce. The “D” word. The end of the marital road. A happily ever after run amok. It’s something that often gets a bad rap, especially when we think of the children stuck in the middle. But divorce, while it can be devastating to some kids, can also be a relief for others. Children’s perceptions are not all the same. This course explores how to support children in play therapy when they are experiencing divorce and separation.
  • Every therapist has been there – in a session with a child who doesn’t want to come in the room, a child who doesn’t want to do the task, a child who only wants to avoid the issue. This course explores what to do when a child client’s language and behavior say “no.” Join us as we explore resistance, with a focus on differentiating resistance from avoidance and differentiating resistance from the dorsal collapse in the nervous system. Emotional flooding is explored as well.
  • We live in a technological age: there is no pacifying Pac-Man, no axing Apple. But screen time doesn’t always mean zoning out. In moderation, Mickey Mouse and Mario can be our allies, helping children better connect to the world around them. This webinar explores the therapeutic value of screen time and how to use it as part of a play therapy process. Learn how to recognize when a child is using it to avoid and when a child’s use of technology is the perfect entry into the therapeutic alliance.
  • As play therapists, we are often searching for ways to help our clients regulate their emotions and body. This webinar explores how therapists can use yoga to increase their ability to connect with themselves and their clients while facilitating the regulation of emotions and body during play therapy sessions.
  • Lisa Dion and Dr. Robert Jason Grant, creator of AutPlay Therapy, discuss what Sensory Processing Disorder is, how to begin to understand it in the context of play therapy, and offer helpful suggestions for therapists to get started.
  • Eating challenges in children can show up in many ways. From the refusal to eat to eating too much, underneath often lies the need for perfectionism and control. Helping kids take these challenges off their plates involves offering choices and uncovering co-existing issues, as well as providing parental support. This course takes a look at this important struggle.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) can be a part of growing up. But how can we help turn these obstacles into opportunities for growth and resilience and apply this knowledge to the play therapy process? This course explores how play therapy can be used to help mitigate the effects of ACES. Learn the major categories of ACES, along with protective factors or strategies that have been shown to be helpful both in the short-term and long-term. This course is designed to enhance or increase the professional knowledge of graduate-level counselors.    
  • As a graduate of the Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification program, you now have access to the SPT Certified Community, a one-stop-shop for resources, important updates, and a community of other Certified Synergetic Play Therapists and Certified Synergetic Play Providers looking to connect with YOU! So what is the SPT Certified Community Membership? This Membership is an opportunity for MORE! More engagement, more opportunities to connect and build relationships, More support, and More content to deepen your learning! By signing up for the SPT Certified Community Membership you are gaining access to exclusive content:
    • Monthly LIVE Webinars with Lisa and Special Guest Teachers
    • Monthly Circle of Support Gatherings (NEW!)
    • Monthly Yoga/Embodied Awareness Classes (NEW!)
    • Access to the full Webinar Library with 70 webinars and counting
    • Access to Bonus Video Content
    • Surprise discounts on SPTI courses and trainings (NEW!)
    • Opportunities to Share Your Genius (NEW!)
    • Continued personal and professional transformation
    For more information about the SPT Certifed Community Membership, Click Here! All of this and more for $30 USD/month! By signing up for $30 USD/month, your membership will automatically renew each month, maintaining your access to all of the exclusive content! There is now also an option to purchase a full year upfront, 12 months for $299 USD (a savings of over $60 USD annually!) By choosing this annual option, you will gain access to the exclusive content for a full year, 12 months. When your 12 months conclude, all you have to do is come back to this page and sign up for another year, or go month to month, to continue accessing the Membership! Use the dropdown menu below to select the payment option that works best for you.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) can be a part of growing up. But how can we help turn these obstacles into opportunities for growth and resilience? And apply this knowledge to the play therapy process? This webinar explores how play therapy can be used to help mitigate the effects of ACES. Learn the major categories of ACES, along with protective factors or strategies that have been shown to be helpful both in the short-term and long-term.
  • Eating challenges in children can show up in many ways. From the refusal to eat to eating too much, underneath often lies the need for perfectionism and control. Helping kids take these challenges off their plates involves offering choices and uncovering co-existing issues, as well as providing parental support.  This course takes a look at this important struggle.
  • Every adoption experience is unique, with a wide variety of perceptions. Yet at the heart of many stories is the deep sense of grief and loss, not only for the children but for the parents too. This can show up in and out of the playroom as complex trauma and a struggle with relationships. Healing involves helping children and parents connect to themselves, simultaneously asking therapists to become aware of the impact of the complexity and emotions that also arise within themselves. This course explores this complex issue.
  • As play therapists, we are often searching for ways to help our clients regulate their emotions and body. This webinar explores how therapists can use yoga to increase their ability to connect with themselves and their clients while facilitating the regulation of emotions and body during play therapy sessions.
  • Divorce. The “D” word. The end of the marital road. A happily ever after run amok. It’s something that often gets a bad rap, especially when we think of the children stuck in the middle. But divorce, while it can be devastating to some kids, can also be a relief for others. Children’s perceptions are not all the same. This webinar explores how to support children in play therapy when they are experiencing divorce and separation.
  • Play works - there no doubt about it. As clinicians, we know the power it harnesses. But can we name these therapeutic powers? Can we explain them to parents in a manner that matters? This one-hour course discusses the Therapeutic Powers of Play, what they truly mean, and how to convey them effectively.
    For course details and objectives, see below.  
  • Every therapist has been there - in a session with a child who doesn't want to come in the room, a child who doesn't want to do the task, a child who only wants to avoid the issue.  This webinar explores what to do when a child client's language and behavior say "no."  Join us as we explore resistance, with a focus on differentiating resistance from avoidance and differentiating resistance from the dorsal collapse in the nervous system. Emotional flooding is explored as well.
  • Siblings are often friends and enemies, a complicated relationship that can show up in the playroom in all sorts of ways. Brothers, sisters, sharing, caring, and noogies? This webinar explores this colorful and challenging dynamic. Learn when sibling therapy is appropriate and how to embrace the different types of play powerful for pairs.

  • From a stroll through the Lollipop woods of Candyland to a fight over the Thimble in Monopoly, games are part of childhood. In the playroom, certain games are more commonly used than others. How do we use chess as a pawn in our therapeutic healing? How can we call on checkers to check on the child's state of regulation?  What does a game tell us about a child's emotional world? This webinar explores these questions and more!

  • From a swingset to a grassy knoll, play therapy can happen outside of the playroom. Play therapy in a Pontiac? A sand tray in a sandlot? The setting doesn't matter! Why? Because it's the relationship between clinician and client that truly counts.  This webinar explores boundaries, logistics, and how play therapy looks without toys or walls.
  • We live in a technological age: there is no pacifying Pac-Man, no axing Apple. But screen time doesn't always mean zoning out. In moderation, Mickey Mouse and Mario can be our allies, helping children better connect to the world around them. This webinar explores the therapeutic value of screen time and how to use it as part of a play therapy process.  Learn how to recognize when a child is using it to avoid and when a child's use of technology is the perfect entry into the therapeutic alliance.
  • Helping a child heal involves helping them be themselves. One of the best ways to foster this type of environment is to cultivate safety. The therapist knowing the playroom is safe is not enough; the child must know it too. This webinar explores what a neuroception of safety is and how to create it within the child and yourself. See below for course details.
  • From the dad with doubts to the mom with mixed emotions, not all parents are sold on the idea of play therapy. The resistant parent is a parent who may have questions, shame, or confusion about the process. This webinar explores how to encourage parental understanding of the power of play and why it's a key step in helping children heal.
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom, we will talk about the concept of emotional age and its profound impact on therapeutic interactions with children. Through insightful discussion and practical examples, participants will explore the distinction between chronological and emotional age, gaining valuable tools to assess and attune to a child's emotional state. Participants will learn strategies to recognize emotional regression in children and themselves, fostering deeper levels of empathy and understanding. By understanding and working with emotional age, therapists can better support children through their healing journey, creating a nurturing environment for growth and development.   Course details below.
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom Podcast, we delve into the intricate world of children's lying behavior in this thought-provoking. Participants explored the underlying motives and protective patterns driving lying behavior, challenging traditional views on honesty. Through real-world examples and practical strategies, learn to create a neuroception of safety that fosters trust and authenticity. Gain insights into recognizing lying patterns and responding therapeutically to promote honesty and connection. This Lessons From The Playroom episode offers valuable tools and techniques for caregivers and professionals seeking to navigate lying behavior with empathy and understanding, ultimately fostering meaningful relationships with children.    Course details below.
  • In this workshop, participants will delve into the world of "shoulds" and negative self-talk; those internalized expectations and societal norms that often shape our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions while influencing our lives, physiology, and well-being.   During this hour, we will uncover the complex interplay of factors that contribute to the formation of "shoulds" and most importantly, the unique role they play in our psychology. Understanding how “shoulds” and negative self-talk form, the connection they have with our physiology, and the purpose behind them will help you reframe these patterns as valuable feedback systems on the pathway toward authenticity and congruency. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to harness the power of “shoulds” and negative self-talk for personal growth and self-discovery! And, one of the best parts is that you will be able to take this information and have a better understanding of what is happening with your clients and loved ones, as well!
  • Therapists and clinicians are always experiencing a secondary impact when working with clients who have experienced or are experiencing trauma, crisis, or challenge. A big statement, we know, but it's true. We can't avoid being impacted and it has a lot to do with the brain's mirror neuron system. When we're in the midst of listening or playing through the trauma with the child, we're tracking our client's non-verbal cues. And as we're tracking our client's non-verbal cues, their non-verbal cues are giving us insight into what is happening within them. THIS puts us directly IN the experience with our clients. We'll experience the fear together, the anxiety together, the sadness together, the overwhelm together - Whatever is going on, we'll experience it together including the trauma. That's why we would love to have you join us for this FREE 1-hour webinar to help you navigate the secondary traumatization that can often come along with this profession that we love!
  • As a graduate of the Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification program, you now have access to the SPT Certified Community, which will serve as the place for you to keep up with important announcements, upcoming events, and information related specifically to you - a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider. This online gathering place is our gift to you as a thank you for choosing to be a part of the SPT Certified Community! We are so grateful to have such an expansive community and hope the SPT Certified Community will become somewhere for you to land, to connect, and to be inspired! All graduates of the SPT Certification program are welcome! Simply click  "Add to Cart" below to join us! Once you have purchased this FREE product, you will be able to access the SPT Certified Community through your online learning platform! We can't wait to share this space with you!! If you have any questions or need support please email info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.
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