SPT Certified Community

As a graduate of the Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification program, you now have access to the SPT Certified Community, which will serve as the place for you to keep up with important announcements, upcoming events, and information related specifically to you – a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider.

This online gathering place is our gift to you as a thank you for choosing to be a part of the SPT Certified Community! We are so grateful to have such an expansive community and hope the SPT Certified Community will become somewhere for you to land, to connect, and to be inspired! All graduates of the SPT Certification program are welcome!

Simply click  “Add to Cart” below to join us! Once you have purchased this FREE product, you will be able to access the SPT Certified Community through your online learning platform!

We can’t wait to share this space with you!!

If you have any questions or need support please email info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.



Already a part of the SPT Certified Community and want to learn more about the SPT Community Membership?

Click here for the details!



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