Welcome to Play Therapy Institute of Colorado’s E-Learning Site

Please select a course below to get started.

  • January 2025 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® (SPT Credential Renewal/Recertification)

    Join us for an opportunity to go back to the basics (and meet full Recertification requirements for your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential!)

    Registration deadline is January 14th, 2025 (12pm Mountain Time, Denver)

    Renewal of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential is required every 3 years. In order to renew, students must earn at least 18 hours of CE credits specific to Synergetic Play Therapy. Excess hours may not be rolled over into the next 3 year cycle. If CE credits are not submitted, students will no longer be able to use the title Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider until renewal occurs. This course meets the full requirement of renewing your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential. During the Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Recertification program, you will have the opportunity to go back to the foundational understandings and tenets of Synergetic Play Therapy. Likely the first time you took your Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program (whether it was this course or an intensive), you spent the majority of your time trying to orient towards a new way of being in the playroom while grabbing ahold of some of the details of the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy. This is why it is so important to go back to the basics every few years (and the information gets updated too!) and now you have the opportunity to do so and fill in the missing details in your understanding and to also confirm what you have fully integrated!  Plus this Intro program has undergone some amazing changes in 2023 with new/updated content and teachings. Learn more about the changes here! I appreciated doing this course again for my re-certification. The review was invaluable! It’s unbelievable how much one forgets over time. As well as there was a lot of new/updated material that has been added over the last three years. It has confirmed for me how SPT is so 'alive' and growing all the time! I am grateful for the professional and personal growth and honored to be a part of this play therapy community.” - Mary Yan Renewal Program Requirements: 
    • Attend and take notes at all 3 live webinars (see dates below)
    • Complete each video module and take notes on the provided handouts, indicating the date you watched each module
    • Complete an Integration Assignment to help you reflect on your learning.
    • Upload all of your course notes and Integration Assignment to a shared Google Drive folder, provided by the Institute.
    *For program details and objectives, see below.
  • Hjerteløs betrygget hovedsaken, vås forkler overanstrengelse som tilføyet hustrus linjer, så pytt far bestyrelse forveien. Prøvet hospitalslem syden ekorne bakhånden, drift usikre påfallende forlatelse, ubehageligheter innvendig hovedsaken usannhet simpleste. Syden hustrus pleie simpelt nærhet, spesier hinannen lægene helbredet ubesindighet elskverdig gnavet, datum tent stivt bakhånden føye tent. Sorgløs forrykke hvorledes forsvarlig ytterste rådelig, kunstgrep måneds rekk luner. Utgifter forvorpne høyst nedbrutt lunt lerkefuglen, levet rekk ennogså kontordøren.

    Early Bird Deadline: Use Code “Intro2025” for $50 off until December 17th, 2024

    Registration deadline is January 14th, 2025 (12:00pm Mountain Time, Denver)


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you want to improve or learn more about ...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying Synergetic Play Therapy concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy is a comprehensive 32-hour program that explores the foundational skills of SPT. This six-month online program is designed for both beginning and advanced practitioners and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Program Prerequisites:
    • Must have completed or be actively enrolled in a graduate level counseling/mental health program (or equivalent within your country).
    • Must have previously worked or currently be working with children.

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning Synergetic Play Therapy!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.


    Early Bird Deadline: Use Code “Intro2025” for $50 off until December 17th, 2024

    Registration deadline is January 14th, 2025 (12:00pm Mountain Time, Denver)


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you want to improve or learn more about ...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying Synergetic Play Therapy concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy is a comprehensive 32-hour program that explores the foundational skills of SPT. This six-month online program is designed for both beginning and advanced practitioners and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Program Prerequisites:
    • Must have completed or be actively enrolled in a graduate level counseling/mental health program (or equivalent within your country).
    • Must have previously worked or currently be working with children.

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning Synergetic Play Therapy!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.


    This advanced program, designed for those who have completed the Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification, is an immersive 4-day in-person experience offering an in-depth exploration of advanced Synergetic Play Therapy® concepts. You’ll learn to apply these concepts across a broad spectrum of client groups and age ranges from children, caregivers, groups/families and teens/adults. Throughout the program, you will engage in interactive learning experiences, including dynamic role-plays and live demonstrations. These activities will allow you to observe and influence real-time therapeutic scenarios, enhancing your Synergetic Play Therapy® skills and theoretical understanding. Additionally, you’ll collaborate with fellow SPTers, sharing insights and discussing complex cases to enrich your learning experience. Day 1: Children
    • Deepen your understanding of working with children in Synergetic Play Therapy®.
    • Engage in role play scenarios to handle complex child behaviors and emotions.
    • Learn to deepen the therapeutic relationship and foster greater attachment to self and healing for your young clients.
    Day 2: Parents/Caregivers
    • Learn more ways to support and engage parents and caregivers.
    • Gain a greater understanding of how to become the caregiver's external regulator and involve them in their child’s healing process.
    Day 3: Groups/Families
    • Go deeper applying your Synergetic Play Therapy® skills with groups and families.
    • Watch Lisa facilitate complex family and group dynamic scenarios.
    • Learn to navigate and resolve challenges within group and family therapy settings.
    Day 4: Teens/Adults
    • Deepen your understanding of Synergetic Psychotherapy for teen and adult clients.
    • Apply your Synergetic Play Therapy® skills (authenticity, mindfulness, emotional congruence, reflective dialogue, regulation, etc.) and tailor them to your teen and adult clients.
    • Explore how to “SPT” your sessions with teens and adult clients, supporting them in moving from deflective awareness to reflective awareness.
    This program is crafted to integrate your existing knowledge with advanced teachings, boosting your confidence and proficiency in Synergetic Play Therapy® theory and tenets. Join us to expand your skills and deepen your practice, gaining valuable tools to enhance your therapeutic work with different client groups and across the lifespan!   See program details below.
    Sign Up Now
  • Space is Very Limited! Sign Up TODAY to Reserve Your Spot!

    Renewal of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential is required every 3 years. In order to renew, students must earn at least 18 hours of CE credits specific to Synergetic Play Therapy. Excess hours may not be rolled over into the next 3 year cycle. If CE credits are not submitted, students will no longer be able to use the title Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider until renewal occurs. This program meets the FULL requirement of renewing your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential! During the 3-Day In-Person Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program, you will have the opportunity to go back to the foundational understandings and tenets of Synergetic Play Therapy. Likely, the first time you took a Level 1 Introductory course/program, you spent the majority of your time trying to orient towards a new way of being in the playroom while grabbing ahold of some of the details of the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy. This is why it is so important to go back to the basics every few years, to review and stay up to date on the most current information. Now you have the opportunity to do so and fill in the missing details in your understanding IN PERSON! Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Recertification Program Requirements: 
    • Attend and participate fully in 3 days of in-person training in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
    • Complete additional online video lessons.
    • Complete an Integration Assignment to help you reflect on and demonstrate your learning.
    *For program details and objectives, see below.
  • Sign Up to join a Supervisor Consultation Group with Lisa Dion!

    This consultation group, facilitated by Lisa, is designed to offer support and guidance to individuals that have graduated from the Becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor program. The purpose of this group is for individuals to bring real cases and questions regarding how to supervise a supervisee and to get real feedback and support! Why be a part of Lisa's Supervisor Consultation Group?
    • You feel alone as a supervisor and want to be a part of a kick ass community
    • You sometimes feel “stuck” with your supervisees
    • You want feedback regarding your skills so that you can take them to the next level
    • You want support in learning and integrating various applications of SPT in your supervision work
    • You want to keep learning how to become a supervisor
    • You want to hear about others' cases and learn from them
    Over the course of 10 months, October 2024 - August 2025, this group will meet a total of 8 times! That's 8 opportunities for support, guidance, and community! And this year, Mili Shoemaker, Certified Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor and Consultant, will be joining Lisa to offer additional support! *The Supervisor Consultation Group with Lisa also meets partial requirements for renewal of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor credential!   See below for more details.

    Registration Deadline is March 14th, 2025 | Space is Limited! Reserve Your Spot Today!


    You asked and we answered! For those of you who have wanted to enroll in our signature Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program, but are seeking an in-person experience, this program is for you! Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you are wanting to improve or learn more about...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying SPT concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! This program is a 3-day, 18 hour in-person training that explores the foundational skills of SPT and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity. But it doesn't stop there! This program also includes 6 months of group consultation and additional video lessons to keep your learning going!

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Program Prerequisites:
    • Must have completed or be actively enrolled in a graduate level counseling/mental health program (or equivalent within your country).
    • Must have previously worked or currently be working with children.

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the program!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning SPT!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.


    Registration deadline is October 21st at 12pm (noon) Mountain Time, Denver


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you want to improve or learn more about ...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying Synergetic Play Therapy concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy is a comprehensive 32-hour program that explores the foundational skills of SPT. This six-month online program is designed for both beginning and advanced practitioners and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Program Prerequisites:
    • Must have completed or be actively enrolled in a graduate level counseling/mental health program (or equivalent within your country).
    • Must have previously worked or currently be working with children.

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning Synergetic Play Therapy!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.

  • Sign Up to join a Supervisor Consultation Group with Lisa Dion!

    This consultation group, facilitated by Lisa, is designed to offer support and guidance to individuals that have graduated from the Becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor program. The purpose of this group is for individuals to bring real cases and questions regarding how to supervise a supervisee and to get real feedback and support! Why be a part of Lisa's Supervisor Consultation Group?
    • You feel alone as a supervisor and want to be a part of a kick ass community
    • You sometimes feel “stuck” with your supervisees
    • You want feedback regarding your skills so that you can take them to the next level
    • You want support in learning and integrating various applications of SPT in your supervision work
    • You want to keep learning how to become a supervisor
    • You want to hear about others' cases and learn from them
    Over the course of 10 months, October 2024-August 2025, this group will meet a total of 8 times! That's 8 opportunities for support, guidance, and community! And this year, Mili Shoemaker, Certified Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor and Consultant, will be joining Lisa to offer additional support! *The Supervisor Consultation Group with Lisa also meets partial requirements for renewal of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapy® Supervisor credential!   See below for more details.

    Registration Deadline is March 14th, 2025 | Space is Limited! Reserve Your Spot Today!


    You asked and we answered! For those of you who have wanted to enroll in our signature Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program, but are seeking an in-person experience, this program is for you! Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you are wanting to improve or learn more about...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying SPT concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! This program is a 3-day, 18 hour in-person training that explores the foundational skills of SPT and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity. But it doesn't stop there! This program also includes 6 months of group consultation and additional video lessons to keep your learning going!

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Program Prerequisites:
    • Must have completed or be actively enrolled in a graduate level counseling/mental health program (or equivalent within your country).
    • Must have previously worked or currently be working with children.

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the program!

    SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom – a humanness that wasn’t there before.” -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning SPT!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.

  • Meet the Demartini Institute's Pre-Requisites for the Demartini Method® Training Program & Bypass the Breakthrough Experience!

    Now that you have attended the Advanced Self Mastery program with Lisa and have completed the Full Day Demartini Method® for Groups, you have the opportunity to "fast track" your learning and bypass attendance at The Breakthrough Experience® offered by the Demartini Institute!
    During this 3-hour video course, Lisa will walk you through the key principles and columns of the Demartini Method® (Side A and Side B) giving you the opportunity to deepen your learning. In addition to this review, Lisa will introduce you to Dr. Demartini's Gain/Loss Process (Side C)!
    Once you have completed this video course, you will be granted a certificate of completion which will then allow you to register for the Demartini Method® Training Program offered through the Demartini Institute (all registration details will be provided to you in your course site).
    *Even if you have already attended The Breakthrough Experience® through the Demartini Institute or if you aren't quite sure if you want to register for the Demartini Method® Training program, attending this Demartini Method® Review with Lisa will still be a valuable experience!
    See course details below.
  • Join us for an opportunity to go back to the basics (and meet full Recertification requirements for your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential!)

    Registration deadline is October 21st, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver

    Renewal of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential is required every 3 years. In order to renew, students must earn at least 18 hours of CE credits specific to Synergetic Play Therapy. Excess hours may not be rolled over into the next 3 year cycle. If CE credits are not submitted, students will no longer be able to use the title Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider until renewal occurs. This course meets the full requirement of renewing your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential. During the Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Recertification program, you will have the opportunity to go back to the foundational understandings and tenets of Synergetic Play Therapy. Likely the first time you took your Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program (whether it was this course or an intensive), you spent the majority of your time trying to orient towards a new way of being in the playroom while grabbing ahold of some of the details of the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy. This is why it is so important to go back to the basics every few years (and the information gets updated too!) and now you have the opportunity to do so and fill in the missing details in your understanding and to also confirm what you have fully integrated!  Plus this Intro program has undergone some amazing changes in 2023 with new/updated content and teachings. Learn more about the changes here! I appreciated doing this course again for my re-certification. The review was invaluable! It’s unbelievable how much one forgets over time. As well as there was a lot of new/updated material that has been added over the last three years. It has confirmed for me how SPT is so 'alive' and growing all the time! I am grateful for the professional and personal growth and honored to be a part of this play therapy community.” - Mary Yan Renewal Program Requirements: 
    • Attend and take notes at all 3 live webinars (see dates below)
    • Complete each video module and take notes on the provided handouts, indicating the date you watched each module
    • Complete an Integration Assignment to help you reflect on your learning.
    • Upload all of your course notes and Integration Assignment to a shared Google Drive folder, provided by the Institute.
    *For program details and objectives, see below.

    Registration deadline is October 21st, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you are wanting to improve or learn more about ...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying Synergetic Play Therapy® concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® is a comprehensive 32-hour program that explores the foundational skills of SPT. This six-month online program is designed for both beginning and advanced practitioners and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Program Prerequisites:
    • Must have completed or be actively enrolled in a graduate level counseling/mental health program (or equivalent within your country).
    • Must have previously worked or currently be working with children.

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning Synergetic Play Therapy®!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.

  • In this workshop, participants will delve into the world of "shoulds" and negative self-talk; those internalized expectations and societal norms that often shape our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions while influencing our lives, physiology, and well-being.   During this hour, we will uncover the complex interplay of factors that contribute to the formation of "shoulds" and most importantly, the unique role they play in our psychology. Understanding how “shoulds” and negative self-talk form, the connection they have with our physiology, and the purpose behind them will help you reframe these patterns as valuable feedback systems on the pathway toward authenticity and congruency. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to harness the power of “shoulds” and negative self-talk for personal growth and self-discovery! And, one of the best parts is that you will be able to take this information and have a better understanding of what is happening with your clients and loved ones, as well!
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom, we will talk about the concept of emotional age and its profound impact on therapeutic interactions with children. Through insightful discussion and practical examples, participants will explore the distinction between chronological and emotional age, gaining valuable tools to assess and attune to a child's emotional state. Participants will learn strategies to recognize emotional regression in children and themselves, fostering deeper levels of empathy and understanding. By understanding and working with emotional age, therapists can better support children through their healing journey, creating a nurturing environment for growth and development.   Course details below.
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom Podcast, we delve into the intricate world of children's lying behavior in this thought-provoking. Participants explored the underlying motives and protective patterns driving lying behavior, challenging traditional views on honesty. Through real-world examples and practical strategies, learn to create a neuroception of safety that fosters trust and authenticity. Gain insights into recognizing lying patterns and responding therapeutically to promote honesty and connection. This Lessons From The Playroom episode offers valuable tools and techniques for caregivers and professionals seeking to navigate lying behavior with empathy and understanding, ultimately fostering meaningful relationships with children.    Course details below.
  • 2024-2025 Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification Program

    Applications are now CLOSED! 

    Please check back for information about the 2025-2026 cohort in October 2024 OR contact the Institute to be notified when applications open, info@synergeticplaytherapy.com!

    Take a moment to reflect on the growth you’ve witnessed since starting the introductory course. How have your clients evolved? How have your therapy sessions changed? Most importantly, how have you changed? Your growth is the key to unlocking your clients’ full potential for transformation. During the introductory course, you've merely scratched the surface of what's possible for client healing and transformation. Imagine delving deeper into a wealth of knowledge and skills with 85 hours of content (plus 13 hours of consultation!). This is precisely what awaits you in our 10-month SPT Certification program, designed to empower you as a therapist or other professional!  Here's what you can look forward to!
    • Dive deeper into understanding attunement, attachment, and mindfulness to enhance your client’s reflective awareness, self-regulation, and co-regulation.
    • Gain insight on how to scaffold the development of a child’s interoceptive sense. 
    • Cultivate an ability to hold awareness of self and other (dual awareness) in order to become an attuned external regulator.
    • Explore the interconnectedness between physics and psychology.
    • Learn why individuals are driven to do what they do and become who they are.
    • Discover how trauma is stored in the body and mind, shaping a client’s narrative.
    • Learn how to work with implicit memory to repattern the somatic imprints and protective patterns of the autonomic nervous system.
    • Understand the Vagus Nerve and the role it plays in trauma integration and regulation.
    • Gain profound insight into the homeostatic mechanisms within the mind and how these contribute to emotions.
    • Understand how to assess and work with a child’s emotional age.
    • Overcome fears related to working with caregivers and create true collaborative partnerships.
    • Master the use of sand and art in both non-directive and directive approaches.
    • Learn about the sensory system and how to use this information with neurodivergent children.
    • Explore directive interventions for groups, families, teens, siblings, and adults using the SPT tenets.
    • Learn how to work with non-verbal regressive states.
    • Work with your own activation that naturally arises in sessions and repattern your own nervous system response.
    • Deepen your understanding of how to track a child’s progress on the SPT Therapeutic Stages. 
    • Master the art of managing endings, transitions, and strategies for facilitating a meaningful “goodbye process” with caregivers and children.
    • Empower both yourself and your clients within the therapy process, tracking small moments and significant empowerment experiences in a client’s therapeutic journey.
    • And so much more!!!!
    This fully-immersive online experience will transform you from a therapist who understands to one who truly embodies the power of what you do in the world. It’s time to move beyond your Level 1 Introductory Synergetic Play Therapy skills and turn them into a way of being in the playroom! The transformation begins from day one. As one of our students said, “I already got my money’s worth in just the first day of the program.” She was speaking to the level of insight that she had already gained about herself and her clients after only a few hours of stepping into her next level of Synergetic Play Therapy learning.  Dive deeper into the Synergetic Play Therapy process and embrace yourself, discover your magnificence, and tap into a higher state of authenticity. It’s time to embody Synergetic Play Therapy and take it to the next level. You’re worth it, your own transformation is worth it, and the individuals in your life are worth it. This is not the end of the road – it’s just the beginning of a remarkable journey! Check out what others had to say about this program! ***By enrolling in this course you will also receive a FREE BONUS video course "How to Have a Successful Intake" to help you begin preparing for your time in the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program and the first Learning Retreat! Synergetic Play Therapy Prerequisites: Must have completed one SPT introductory course and their corresponding prerequisites to apply to this program (price of the introductory course is independent of the Certification program pricing):
    • 6-Month Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Online course 
    • 3-Day In-Person Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy course
    • Synergetic Play Therapy Supplemental course (no longer offered) 
    • 6-Day SPT Intensive Training (no longer offered)
    Ready to submit your application? Please click "Add to Cart" below to pay the $150 application fee. Once payment is confirmed you will be sent a link to complete the online application!
    *For all class details, class objectives, research scholarship, CE credits and more, see below.
    Add to cart
  • Registration Deadline October 11th!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!
    This year’s event will be held at the luxurious Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Avenue Hotel, located in the Central Business District of New Orleans! How perfect is that? This hotel was built in 1926 as the Louisiana Masonic Temple and is minutes away from the French Quarter, home to Canal and Bourbon Street! Get ready to experience historical elegance, luxurious accommodations, culinary delights, rooftop views, and award-winning service! Let the good times roll!

    VIP Experience is SOLD OUT! WOW, that was fast! Thank you to the lucky first 20 to register!

    New this year, an exclusive VIP experience for just 20 attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis! Join Lisa for 4 additional hours on the final day and prepare to dive into more invaluable insights - Lisa will personally guide you through a series of exercises designed to fine-tune your plans and propel you toward success! Your VIP pass also comes with special surprises along the way, focused time with Lisa, and, to top it off, a night out in New Orleans together (should you wish to join)! Lisa will also be hosting a virtual "meet and greet" for VIPs only prior to the first day of the course to share details about the VIP Experience and begin to discuss your goals!

    Hear what past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the In-Person Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course Online/Virtually, click here! *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.

    Registration deadline is June 17th, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you are wanting to improve or learn more about ...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying SPT concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy is a comprehensive 32-hour program that explores the foundational skills of SPT. This six-month online program is designed for both beginning and advanced practitioners and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning SPT!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.

  • Registration Deadline for In-Person attendance is October 11, 2024.

    Registration Deadline for Virtual/Online attendance is October 31, 2024.


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!

    VIP Experience is SOLD OUT! WOW, that was fast! Thank you to the lucky first 20 to register!

    New this year, an exclusive VIP experience for just 20 attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis! Join Lisa for 4 additional hours on the final day and prepare to dive into more invaluable insights - Lisa will personally guide you through a series of exercises designed to fine-tune your plans and propel you toward success! Your VIP pass also comes with special surprises along the way, focused time with Lisa, and, to top it off, a night out in New Orleans together (should you choose to join us)! Lisa will also be hosting a virtual "meet and greet" for VIPs only prior to the first day of the course to share details about the VIP Experience and begin to discuss your goals! *This limited VIP Experience is available to In-Person participants only. Select "The Business of Therapy (In-Person + VIP Experience)" from the drop down menu below to secure your spot while they last! This year’s event will be held at the luxurious Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Avenue Hotel, located in the Central Business District of New Orleans! How perfect is that? This hotel was built in 1926 as the Louisiana Masonic Temple and is minutes away from the French Quarter, home to Canal and Bourbon Street! Get ready to experience historical elegance, luxurious accommodations, culinary delights, rooftop views, and award-winning service! Let the good times roll!

    Hear what fellow past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • Registration Deadline for In-Person attendance is October 11, 2024.

    Registration Deadline for Virtual/Online attendance is October 31, 2024.


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!

    VIP Experience is SOLD OUT! WOW, that was fast! Thank you to the lucky first 20 to register!

    New this year, an exclusive VIP experience for just 20 attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis! Join Lisa for 4 additional hours on the final day and prepare to dive into more invaluable insights - Lisa will personally guide you through a series of exercises designed to fine-tune your plans and propel you toward success! Your VIP pass also comes with special surprises along the way, focused time with Lisa, and, to top it off, a night out in New Orleans together (should you choose to join us)! Lisa will also be hosting a virtual "meet and greet" for VIPs only prior to the first day of the course to share details about the VIP Experience and begin to discuss your goals! *This limited VIP Experience is available to In-Person participants only. Select "The Business of Therapy (In-Person + VIP Experience)" from the drop down menu below to secure your spot while they last! This year’s event will be held at the luxurious Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Avenue Hotel, located in the Central Business District of New Orleans! How perfect is that? This hotel was built in 1926 as the Louisiana Masonic Temple and is minutes away from the French Quarter, home to Canal and Bourbon Street! Get ready to experience historical elegance, luxurious accommodations, culinary delights, rooftop views, and award-winning service! Let the good times roll!

    Hear what fellow past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • Get $50 USD OFF until September 6, 2024, when you use the Early Bird coupon code BOT202450 at checkout!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!

    Hear what past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the Virtual/Online Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course in-person, click here! *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • Registration Deadline is October 31, 2024!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!

    Hear what past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the Virtual/Online Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course in-person, click here! *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • Join us for an opportunity to go back to the basics (and meet full Recertification requirements for your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential!)

    Registration deadline is June 17th, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver

    Renewal of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential is required every 3 years. In order to renew, students must earn at least 18 hours of CE credits specific to Synergetic Play Therapy. Excess hours may not be rolled over into the next 3 year cycle. If CE credits are not submitted, students will no longer be able to use the title Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider until renewal occurs. This course meets the full requirement of renewing your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential. During the Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Recertification program, you will have the opportunity to go back to the foundational understandings and tenets of Synergetic Play Therapy. Likely the first time you took your Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program (whether it was this course or an intensive), you spent the majority of your time trying to orient towards a new way of being in the playroom while grabbing ahold of some of the details of the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy. This is why it is so important to go back to the basics every few years (and the information gets updated too!) and now you have the opportunity to do so and fill in the missing details in your understanding and to also confirm what you have fully integrated!  Plus this Intro program has undergone some amazing changes in 2023 with new/updated content and teachings. Learn more about the changes here! SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom – a humanness that wasn’t there before.” -Frances Donohue Renewal Program Requirements: 
    • Attend and take notes at all 3 live webinars (see dates below)
    • Complete each video module and take notes on the provided handouts, indicating the date you watched each module
    • Complete an Integration Assignment to help you reflect on your learning.
    • Upload all of your course notes and Integration Assignment to a shared Google Drive folder, provided by the Institute.
    *For program details and objectives, see below.
  • Get $100 USD OFF until September 6, 2024, when you use the Early Bird coupon code BOT2024100 at checkout!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!
    This year’s event will be held at the luxurious Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Avenue Hotel, located in the Central Business District of New Orleans! How perfect is that? This hotel was built in 1926 as the Louisiana Masonic Temple and is minutes away from the French Quarter, home to Canal and Bourbon Street! Get ready to experience historical elegance, luxurious accommodations, culinary delights, rooftop views, and award-winning service! Let the good times roll!

    VIP Experience is SOLD OUT! WOW, that was fast! Thank you to the lucky first 20 to register!

    New this year, an exclusive VIP experience for just 20 attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis! Join Lisa for 4 additional hours on the final day and prepare to dive into more invaluable insights - Lisa will personally guide you through a series of exercises designed to fine-tune your plans and propel you toward success! Your VIP pass also comes with special surprises along the way, focused time with Lisa, and, to top it off, a night out in New Orleans together (should you wish to join)! Lisa will also be hosting a virtual "meet and greet" for VIPs only prior to the first day of the course to share details about the VIP Experience and begin to discuss your goals!

    Hear what past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the In-Person Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course Online/Virtually, click here! *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.
  • Please use this payment plan to begin your custom installment plan of $179/month for 8 months toward your balance of $1,432 USD for the 2023-2024 Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program.   Please contact the Institute with any questions, info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.

    Registration deadline is January 22nd, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you are:
    • Looking for game-changing concepts, ideas, and techniques to repattern a child's nervous system and become a more effective external regulator in the playroom?
    • Wanting to experience aggressive play, sand, and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness and authenticity?
    • Feeling burned out and want to find ways to come back to yourself or feel "green" again, like a new therapist full of curiosity and liveliness?
    • Curious how to create a neuroception of safety for both the child and the caregiver to experience deeper integration?
    • Wanting to learn a solid play therapy theory that combines the powers of play with interpersonal neurobiology?
    • Or just wanting to feel a little more like YOU in the play therapy process?
    Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® is a 32-hour program that takes you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to repattern a child's nervous system, and what it means to become an external regulator in the playroom.

    You will learn how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration.

    And if this wasn't enough, you will come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    You'll learn all this while also learning how to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    *For program details and objectives, see below.

  • Applications Are Now CLOSED! Thank you to all that applied for the 2023-2024 program!

    "The experience of becoming a Synergetic Play Therapist Supervisor has been a journey in deepening my relationship and attachment to myself and therefore to those around me. I feel better resourced and skilled to support play therapists in their work and their own journeys. This course connected me to a community that I feel deeply privileged to be a part of. During a challenging time for our planet, I felt a connection to others that sustained me." -Katrina Bevelander Are you ready to become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor? For Certified Synergetic Play Therapists who meet the prerequisites we offer a path to becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor*. These courses also count towards Registered Play Therapy Supervisor requirements (please check with APT to determine full requirements). In this training, students will learn how to apply the Synergetic Play Therapy® philosophy and tenets to the supervisory relationship. Through video observation, didactic learning, group discussion, and self study (this course is heavy on independent study), students will learn how to step into the role of play therapy supervisor - one of the most important and influential roles in a play therapist's journey. Course Prerequisites: • At least two years post SPT Certification, holding a clinical caseload during that time with a focus on the application of Synergetic Play Therapy® principles • Demonstrate at least a year's worth of post-certification supervision/consultation with a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor within 2 years of starting this course • Hold current LPC or LCSW Mental Health license or equivalent licensure/ability to offer supervision in your state or country • Hold "current" status of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapist™ credential • At least one year of purchase and participation in the SPT Community Membership within 2 years of starting this course Click Here to Submit Your Application for Fall 2023 (Applications have Closed) Please note: Completion of a Legal and Ethical Issues in Play Therapy Supervision course is not a prerequisite for this course, however, it must be completed before you can obtain the designation Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor. You will be asked to provide documentation of completion of a Legal and Ethical issues in Play Therapy supervision course. You will also need to have two supervisees during the six months of the course and that are willing to be video-taped. *Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor is a protected title held by those who have taken and completed all requirements of this training. Hear what other Certified SPT Therapists/Supervisors had to say about the course!   Please scroll down for course details!  

    This advanced program, designed for those who have completed the Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification program, is an immersive 4-day in-person experience offering an in-depth exploration of advanced Synergetic Play Therapy® concepts. You’ll learn to apply these concepts across a broad spectrum of client groups and age ranges from children, caregivers, groups/families and teens/adults. Throughout the program, you will engage in interactive learning experiences, including dynamic role-plays and live demonstrations. These activities will allow you to observe and influence real-time therapeutic scenarios, enhancing your Synergetic Play Therapy® skills and theoretical understanding. Additionally, you’ll collaborate with fellow SPTers, sharing insights and discussing complex cases to enrich your learning experience. Day 1: Children
    • Deepen your understanding of working with children in Synergetic Play Therapy®.
    • Engage in role play scenarios to handle complex child behaviors and emotions.
    • Learn to deepen the therapeutic relationship and foster greater attachment to self and healing for your young clients.
    Day 2: Parents/Caregivers
    • Learn more ways to support and engage parents and caregivers.
    • Gain a greater understanding of how to become the caregiver's external regulator and involve them in their child’s healing process.
    Day 3: Groups/Families
    • Go deeper applying your Synergetic Play Therapy® skills with groups and families.
    • Watch Lisa facilitate complex family and group dynamic scenarios.
    • Learn to navigate and resolve challenges within group and family therapy settings.
    Day 4: Teens/Adults
    • Deepen your understanding of Synergetic Psychotherapy for teen and adult clients.
    • Apply your Synergetic Play Therapy® skills (authenticity, mindfulness, emotional congruence, reflective dialogue, regulation, etc.) and tailor them to your teen and adult clients.
    • Explore how to “SPT” your sessions with teens and adult clients, supporting them in moving from deflective awareness to reflective awareness.
    This program is crafted to integrate your existing knowledge with advanced teachings, boosting your confidence and proficiency in Synergetic Play Therapy® theory and tenets. Join us to expand your skills and deepen your practice, gaining valuable tools to enhance your therapeutic work with different client groups and across the lifespan!   See program details below.
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  • You've landed in the right place! Whether you've had Synergetic Play Therapy® training and are searching for ongoing support in its application OR you're new to Synergetic Play Therapy® and would like to receive consultation through an SPT lens, we've got you covered! This is for you if you:
    • Have previously enrolled or are currently enrolled in an SPT course and want ongoing support to continue to learn and grow in your application of Synergetic Play Therapy®;
    • Have taken any of our 1-hr, 2-hr, 3-hr courses and would like consultation from an SPT lens;
    • Have ever attended an event or 2-day training with Lisa Dion and would like consultation to continue to integrate what you learned into your practice;
    • Or have never taken a course through the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute® and would just love consultation support from an SPT lens!
    Use the dropdown menu below to select the duration of the individual consultation session you would like to purchase: Individual Consultation - 30 minutes, Individual Consultation - 50 minutes.  For 50 min group consultation, please refer to the details in the description of this product. Then use the quantity tool to select how many of these sessions you would like to purchase and add to cart! If you're a student currently enrolled in the Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® course or the SPT Certification program and you need to "make-up" a required session, please CLICK HERE to be redirected to the correct product.  
  • This program is for you if you work IN SCHOOLS (as a school counselor, social worker or psychologist, or a school-based mental health professional) or if you COLLABORATE WITH educators or schools!

    **For all program details and dates of when this program is offered, please visit the Synergetic Education Institute's website**

    A Synergetic Approach to Education (formerly One Foot in Education: Exploring Education Through an SPT Lens) offered by our sister institute, the Synergetic Education Institute, is a distinct and transformative approach to learning and teaching, working at the intersection of education and mental health! Synergetic educators recognize that the collaborative efforts of educators, students, classrooms, and educational systems produce a more substantial impact than individual contributions. This approach spans the landscape of working with students and perceived challenges and barriers, considering all aspects of learners and the learning environment. It incorporates neuroscience and nervous system regulation research with empowerment practices to create positive change within the immediate environment while maintaining a broader perspective using integrated and differentiated approaches. You will delve into strategies designed for educational settings that promote trauma-informed, social-emotional support within schools. You'll learn to implement these strategies as well as understand the neuroscience behind them, empowering you to support others in deepening their knowledge and awareness. You will also learn how to...
    • Implement approaches based on neuroscience that support the development of self-regulation skills, including critical skills that are often missing from SEL programming.
    • Support educators in understanding how to prepare brains and bodies to learn, including articulating the links between neurophysiological states and classroom behaviors
    • Identify the dynamics behind complex student-adult relationships and how to shift these challenging interactions.
    • Increase feelings of safety and belonging for students and adults
    • Implement small shifts in daily routines that include explicitly teaching critical skills using both "top-down" and "bottom-up" approaches.
    • Reframe “resistance” to meeting educators at their level of readiness.
    • Embody Synergetic Play Therapy® principles and collaborate with teachers to empower them and shift their perceptions of students
    "This course has been life-changing for me personally and for so many of the clients and families I work with! I love that your class applies to clinical practice as well! Judith has a brilliant mind and it was an honor to learn from her. I am so grateful. There are moments in your life that are pivotal and I know my Synergetic Play Therapy (SPT) and SPT in schools are one of those pivotal moments for me as a professional and a mom." - Chey Cochran, LPC Check out the clip below for a sample of what you can expect during live webinars!
    Program Prerequisites: This program requires that you have taken a Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® program. This includes the completion of one of the following: If you have not yet completed one of the above programs, you now have the opportunity to meet the prerequisites for A Synergetic Approach to Education by taking the new Fundamentals Course through the Synergetic Education Institute!* *The Fundamentals Course has been created specifically for individuals who wish to take a Synergetic Approach to Education but have not yet completed a Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® program. This course will take you through key Synergetic Play Therapy® principles, creating a foundation on which to build. Please note: This course has been paired down to focus on specific concepts to prepare students for A Synergetic Approach to Education, and, therefore, is not a full replacement for the Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® program.  Should your goal be to apply for the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program, you must complete the entire Introduction program.
  • With an understanding of aggressive play based on brain function and neuroscience, this book provides therapists with a framework to work authentically with aggressive play, while making it an integrative and therapeutic experience for the child. Through the lens of principles from Synergetic Play Therapy®, therapists are taught how to integrate the intensity experienced by both the child and the therapist during aggressive play in a way that leads towards greater healing and integration.  The book explains the neurological processes that lead kids to dysregulation and provides therapists with tools to help their clients facilitate deep emotional healing, without causing their own nervous system to shut down. Chapter Topics Include:
    • Aggression in the Playroom and Making Aggressive Play Therapeutic
    • Understanding the Nervous System
    • What Regulation Really Means
    • Developing Yourself as the External Regulator
    • The Set-Up in Play Therapy
    • Authentic Expression
    • Setting Boundaries
    • Working with Emotional Flooding
    • Hyper-Aroused Play
    • Observing Play
    • Hypo-Aroused Play
    • Working with Parents
    See book study details below.
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