• “Building Your Dreams and Building Your Business” Retreat! – No Lodging Option

    This is not a play therapy retreat! This is a retreat for you!  This retreat is focused on achieving your dreams and relying on our community to support you on that journey!  The theme of this retreat is “Building Your Dreams and Building Your Business.” This retreat includes instruction time as we work through our money mindset, conquer our fears/blocks that are holding us back, and find footing with strategy!   There's plenty of time for contemplation, vision planning, walks in nature, and naps on porches to help you dream and build as you put it all down on paper. They'll be lots of bonding, too! From yoga to energy healings to a celebration of each other, this retreat serves as a time to reunite, regenerate, relax, and – of course - regulate! And we’re doing it all in style! The house we’re renting sits on forty acres with its own river, forest, and beach. It’s an organic working farm complete with goats, chickens, ducks, cats, and dogs. The house itself offers resort-like features – spacious, homey, and filled with spectacular views.  
  • In this 1.5 hour live webinar, Lisa will share her knowledge that she has acquired offering more specific "how to" action steps to help you create your business and launch your vision.  Whether it is "how to write a book, how to publish a book, how to organize content for a course, how to hire people to work for you, how to leverage volunteers when then funds aren't there, now to write a business plan to receive money from a bank or investor" or something entirely different, Lisa will share with you what she has learned along the way. For course details, see below.
  • You have been selected to be a part of the 2019-2020 Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Cohort!  Congratulations! To secure your spot, you will put down a 600.00 USD deposit.  The rest of the money will be due before August and you will be emailed a link for payment along with course information closer to the start of the first retreat.  Reminder that if you pay in full, you receive 400.00 off the total price for additional savings! Refund Policy: Your deposit secures your spot in the Certification Program. Withdrawal before the program begins will result in a forfeit of the full deposit amount. This deposit is non-refundable!  For more information regarding dates, scroll down below.
  • The Six-Day Synergetic Play Therapy® Intensive allows you to jump in and really experience the magic of Synergetic Play Therapy®! We hold these intensives regularly throughout the year, limiting this program to four people in order to permit extensive skill practice with individualized coaching and feedback. Each participant will be paired with a child client with whom they will work every day during the training under direct supervision as part of a therapeutic observation team. Dive into SPT and see if it's right for you!

    Six-Day Synergetic Play Therapy® Intensive Prerequisite Training:
    • Participants should have completed or be enrolled in a Master’s Degree (or equivalent) program in counseling, social work, or education.
    • Previous experience working with children and families is also required.
    • A basic understanding of play therapy and play therapy skills is required.
    For availability and registration details, please contact the Institute at 720-458-9597 or email info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.

    ***Please scroll to the bottom of this page for a complete list of the course details and objectives***

  • "I am always excited to repeat the retreats as an alumni for three reasons. First, there is always new information to be had. Second, each time I hear the information that Lisa imparts, I hear it in a different way. Lastly, it is so wonderful to be in such a supportive environment with like-minded people. I can’t get enough!" - Johanna Simmons Ask and you shall receive! After much feedback from Certified SPTers like you, we have broadened the Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification learning retreats and, now, the live webinar classes. As an esteemed alumni, you are invited to return and be a part of the upcoming 2024-2025 Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification Program. Embark on a one-of-a kind experience of connection and community - mentor, master, and make new memories! Choose the option that feels most congruent for you (details below) and come be yourself over and over again! In addition to the learning retreats, you also have the option of purchasing access to all of the program's bimonthly, live webinar classes! Registration closes August 1st, 2024, for the 2024-2025 Retreat Dates! For class details and objectives, please see below.
  • "I am always excited to repeat the retreats as an alumni for three reasons. First, there is always new information to be had. Second, each time I hear the information that Lisa imparts, I hear it in a different way. Lastly, it is so wonderful to be in such a supportive environment with like-minded people. I can’t get enough!" -Johanna Simmons Ask and you shall receive ... After much feedback from SPTers, we have broadened the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification retreats and now the online classes. As an esteemed alumni, you are invited to return and be part of the upcoming program. Embark on a one-of-a kind experience of connection and community ... mentor, master, and make new memories. Choose from one of three destinations for the retreats (details below) and come be yourself over and over again! In addition to the retreats, you also have the option of purchasing the live monthly online classes. Registration closes August 1st. For class details and objectives, please see below.
  • During your journey to become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist you studied nervous system regulation, authenticity and congruency, interoception, emotional age, and so much more to help you become more  masterful at becoming an external regulator for a child and their caregivers.  You also learned how to apply these concepts to yourself for your own growth and development in order to heal yourself and develop your capacity for self-regulation.  And now it is time to take the next step towards self mastery…. Go deeper into the development of yourself -  Deeper into understanding the body and your own activation patterns - Deeper into your mind - Deeper into integrating your perceptions and working on emotional charges that you have held onto or are holding onto. 💖 "A dazzling few days full of paradigm shifts, connection to self and others, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable." - Machen Champion 💖 "My experience at the Advanced Certified SPT retreat was uncomfortable, mind-blowing, and ultimately life changing and I wouldn't have it any other way." - Rachel Hardies For course details and topics covered, see below.  
  • During your journey to become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist you studied nervous system regulation, authenticity and congruency, interoception, emotional age, and so much more to help you become more  masterful at becoming an external regulator for a child and their caregivers.  You also learned how to apply these concepts to yourself for your own growth and development in order to heal yourself and develop your capacity for self-regulation.  And now it is time to take the next step towards self mastery…. Go deeper into the development of yourself -  Deeper into understanding the body and your own activation patterns - Deeper into the mind - Deeper into integrating your perceptions and working on emotional charges that are in the way of being an external regulator. For course details and topics covered, see below.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) can be a part of growing up. But how can we help turn these obstacles into opportunities for growth and resilience? And apply this knowledge to the play therapy process? This webinar explores how play therapy can be used to help mitigate the effects of ACES. Learn the major categories of ACES, along with protective factors or strategies that have been shown to be helpful both in the short-term and long-term.
  • Whether you're looking for how to engage the resistant child, turn Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) into opportunities for growth and resilience, use yoga to increase your ability to connect to yourself and your clients, or create a neuroception of safety in the playroom, we have you covered. Explore these topics and so many others in our one-hour courses below. Then choose 4 courses to create a bundle for only $119 and save (valued at $140 USD!)  You can buy as many bundles as you would like (each as a new order)! See below for course descriptions. To view course details and objectives, click to the right of the title.
  • 1 time payment for: Christine Nicholson 750.00 AUD   [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Select your currency based on the retreat location you would like to attend and wait for the page to refresh before adding to cart." widget_type="dropdown"] For example: If you reside in the US but want to attend the retreats in Canada you will choose the Canadian Currency, wait for the page to refresh, and then select your plan to add to your cart.
  • Please use this payment plan to begin your custom installment plan of $179/month for 8 months toward your balance of $1,432 USD for the 2023-2024 Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program.   Please contact the Institute with any questions, info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.
  • Eating challenges in children can show up in many ways. From the refusal to eat to eating too much, underneath often lies the need for perfectionism and control. Helping kids take these challenges off their plates involves offering choices and uncovering co-existing issues, as well as providing parental support.  This course takes a look at this important struggle.
  • Every therapist has been there - in a session with a child who doesn't want to come in the room, a child who doesn't want to do the task, a child who only wants to avoid the issue.  This webinar explores what to do when a child client's language and behavior say "no."  Join us as we explore resistance, with a focus on differentiating resistance from avoidance and differentiating resistance from the dorsal collapse in the nervous system. Emotional flooding is explored as well.
  • Out of stock

    Course Will BE Rescheduled Due to Unforeseen Circumstances!

    Please contact the Institute if you have any questions in the meantime!

    As a Play Therapist Supervisor supporting supervisees (or as someone on their way to becoming a supervisor), you know that working with children and their families involves a complexity that is like no other, especially when thinking about legal and ethical considerations.  When navigating the ethical issues that arise during the play therapy process, we have found that many Play Therapy Supervisors often ask:
    • What exactly is my role and how do I stay in my role?
    • What should my paperwork and documentation look like?
    • What are my ethical responsibilities as a supervisor?
    • How do I increase my awareness on how cultural diversity impacts play therapy, and thus supervision?"
    To address these and other important questions, Liliana Baylon, LMFT-S, RPT-S* and the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute's Cultural Ambassador, will lead you through a 3-hour online course on the topic of "Ethical Issues in Play Therapy Supervision". This live webinar course will help you and other Play Therapist Supervisors manage both the administrative and clinical aspects of play therapy supervision while adhering to general ethical considerations and guidelines. And, if you are a Certified SPTer planning to enroll in the next offering of the Becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor program, completion of this course will count toward the program requirement of completing a course related to the topics of legal and/or ethics in play therapy supervision! This is an opportunity to get that requirement out of the way now!   For class details and objectives, see below.
  • In response to COVID-19, the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute began offering free webinars to address the challenges, stress and impact that therapists, teachers, parents, and those on the frontlines were facing. Since then, we've continued to offer free webinars to support you on your professional and personal life's journey. Please enjoy free access to these very special webinars. You may view and share it with as many people as you feel it would help.
  • Divorce. The “D” word. The end of the marital road. A happily ever after run amok. It’s something that often gets a bad rap, especially when we think of the children stuck in the middle. But divorce, while it can be devastating to some kids, can also be a relief for others. Children’s perceptions are not all the same. This webinar explores how to support children in play therapy when they are experiencing divorce and separation.
  • Every adoption experience is unique, with a wide variety of perceptions. Yet at the heart of many stories is the deep sense of grief and loss, not only for the children but for the parents too. This can show up in and out of the playroom as complex trauma and a struggle with relationships. Healing involves helping children and parents connect to themselves, simultaneously asking therapists to become aware of the impact of the complexity and emotions that also arise within themselves. This course explores this complex issue.

    Registration deadline is January 22nd, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you are:
    • Looking for game-changing concepts, ideas, and techniques to repattern a child's nervous system and become a more effective external regulator in the playroom?
    • Wanting to experience aggressive play, sand, and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness and authenticity?
    • Feeling burned out and want to find ways to come back to yourself or feel "green" again, like a new therapist full of curiosity and liveliness?
    • Curious how to create a neuroception of safety for both the child and the caregiver to experience deeper integration?
    • Wanting to learn a solid play therapy theory that combines the powers of play with interpersonal neurobiology?
    • Or just wanting to feel a little more like YOU in the play therapy process?
    Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® is a 32-hour program that takes you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to repattern a child's nervous system, and what it means to become an external regulator in the playroom.

    You will learn how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration.

    And if this wasn't enough, you will come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    You'll learn all this while also learning how to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    *For program details and objectives, see below.

  • Please use this product to begin your monthly payment plan for 6 Make-Up Individual Consultation sessions with Polly Douglass in order to meet this aspect of Synergetic Play Therapy Certification requirements. Each Make-Up Individual Consultation session costs $125 USD, for a total of $750 USD. To begin your payment plan, please make your first payment by no later than September 10, 2023. Your payment will be automatically withdrawn on the same day each month. For example, should you make your first payment on September 5th, your second payment will be due on October 5th, and so on. Failure to make all six monthly installments timely will result in interruption to your scheduled Make-Up Individual Consultation sessions and will result in incomplete program requirements. You will not be eligible for the title of Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider without fully meeting all program requirements. Should you have any questions, please contact info@synergeticplaytherapy.com.
  • Join us for an opportunity to go back to the basics (and meet full Recertification requirements for your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential!)

    Registration deadline is June 17th, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver

    Renewal of the Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential is required every 3 years. In order to renew, students must earn at least 18 hours of CE credits specific to Synergetic Play Therapy. Excess hours may not be rolled over into the next 3 year cycle. If CE credits are not submitted, students will no longer be able to use the title Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider until renewal occurs. This course meets the full requirement of renewing your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider credential. During the Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® Recertification program, you will have the opportunity to go back to the foundational understandings and tenets of Synergetic Play Therapy. Likely the first time you took your Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program (whether it was this course or an intensive), you spent the majority of your time trying to orient towards a new way of being in the playroom while grabbing ahold of some of the details of the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy. This is why it is so important to go back to the basics every few years (and the information gets updated too!) and now you have the opportunity to do so and fill in the missing details in your understanding and to also confirm what you have fully integrated!  Plus this Intro program has undergone some amazing changes in 2023 with new/updated content and teachings. Learn more about the changes here! SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom – a humanness that wasn’t there before.” -Frances Donohue Renewal Program Requirements: 
    • Attend and take notes at all 3 live webinars (see dates below)
    • Complete each video module and take notes on the provided handouts, indicating the date you watched each module
    • Complete an Integration Assignment to help you reflect on your learning.
    • Upload all of your course notes and Integration Assignment to a shared Google Drive folder, provided by the Institute.
    *For program details and objectives, see below.

    Registration deadline is June 17th, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you are wanting to improve or learn more about ...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying SPT concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy is a comprehensive 32-hour program that explores the foundational skills of SPT. This six-month online program is designed for both beginning and advanced practitioners and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning SPT!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.

  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom Podcast, we delve into the intricate world of children's lying behavior in this thought-provoking. Participants explored the underlying motives and protective patterns driving lying behavior, challenging traditional views on honesty. Through real-world examples and practical strategies, learn to create a neuroception of safety that fosters trust and authenticity. Gain insights into recognizing lying patterns and responding therapeutically to promote honesty and connection. This Lessons From The Playroom episode offers valuable tools and techniques for caregivers and professionals seeking to navigate lying behavior with empathy and understanding, ultimately fostering meaningful relationships with children.    Course details below.
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom, we will talk about the concept of emotional age and its profound impact on therapeutic interactions with children. Through insightful discussion and practical examples, participants will explore the distinction between chronological and emotional age, gaining valuable tools to assess and attune to a child's emotional state. Participants will learn strategies to recognize emotional regression in children and themselves, fostering deeper levels of empathy and understanding. By understanding and working with emotional age, therapists can better support children through their healing journey, creating a nurturing environment for growth and development.   Course details below.
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