Welcome to Play Therapy Institute of Colorado’s E-Learning Site

Please select a course below to get started.

  • Meet the Demartini Institute's Pre-Requisites for the Demartini Method® Training Program & Bypass the Breakthrough Experience!

    Now that you have attended the Advanced Self Mastery program with Lisa and have completed the Full Day Demartini Method® for Groups, you have the opportunity to "fast track" your learning and bypass attendance at The Breakthrough Experience® offered by the Demartini Institute!
    During this 3-hour video course, Lisa will walk you through the key principles and columns of the Demartini Method® (Side A and Side B) giving you the opportunity to deepen your learning. In addition to this review, Lisa will introduce you to Dr. Demartini's Gain/Loss Process (Side C)!
    Once you have completed this video course, you will be granted a certificate of completion which will then allow you to register for the Demartini Method® Training Program offered through the Demartini Institute (all registration details will be provided to you in your course site).
    *Even if you have already attended The Breakthrough Experience® through the Demartini Institute or if you aren't quite sure if you want to register for the Demartini Method® Training program, attending this Demartini Method® Review with Lisa will still be a valuable experience!
    See course details below.
  • A One-Day Virtual Summit Empowering Therapists While Supporting Play Therapy Training Scholarships!

    "Play It Forward" is how therapists maximize their impact for clients, for themselves, and for their community of therapists around the world. Led by mental health professionals for mental health professionals, this educational summit offers online workshops on a variety of distinct topics by leaders in their fields and specialties. And, it provides another unique benefit: making professional development available to all clinicians! Hosted by the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute (SPTI), the Play It Forward Virtual Summit supports the Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation in offering scholarships for mental health professionals in need of financial assistance for training and education. Summit presenters donated their time and expertise as a vehicle for fundraising for our global community of therapists. *All proceeds from this virtual summit will be donated to the Synergetic Play Therapy Foundation to fund play therapy scholarships!  The content of each course is diverse, yet there is one common vision - a future where play therapy education and training are more widely accessible and attainable for clinicians in need! Join us and invest in your professional growth while supporting this broader goal! You have the option to join this virtual summit for the Morning Session, the Afternoon Session, or for the Full Day of learning! Each "session" contains two courses on separate topics. (See the topic descriptions below to select the session(s) that most interests you!) Morning Session (Two Courses): Course #1 - Understanding the Intersection of Reflections and Reflective Functioning in Sandtray Therapy Presented by Marshall Lyles, LPC, LMFT-S, RPT-S Sandtray therapy prominently features the art of reflecting. In fact, it may be the therapy skill most associated with the craft. However, we can become so accustomed to the language of reflecting that we can lose contact with its intent.  This workshop will look at the skill of reflecting through the lens of the attachment theory concept of reflective functioning. The examples given for honoring this intersection will feature the use of the sand tray. Course #2 - Playing by the Rules: Navigating Legal Processes for Play Therapists Presented by Val Bruno, LPC, RPT-S When play therapy intersects with the legal system, Play Therapists often find themselves in unfamiliar territory. Navigating legal processes can be daunting without proper guidance, leaving therapists feeling uncertain and ill-prepared to advocate for their clients effectively. Learn what you need to know to steer through the legal system with ease and confidence. You'll leave this presentation empowered to effectively advocate for your clients, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met. Afternoon Session (Two Courses): Course 1 - Play Therapy with Sexually Traumatized Children Presented by Dr. Jodi Mullen, LPC Children who have been sexually traumatized are often in need of our clinical services. Both directive and non-directive play therapy approaches provide these traumatized children with healing and the repair of losses associated with sexual trauma, such as innocence, trust, and appropriate boundaries. Develop your expertise and become a more effective advocate for your child clients with the knowledge and insight offered through this presentation. Learn about sexual development in children, the psychological markers of sexual trauma, and the special issues these children present in play therapy, including: consulting with non-offending parents, dealing with the powerful impact of countertransference, and setting limits. Course 2 - Creating an Affirming Play Therapy Space for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Their Families Presented by Jennifer Shivey, LPC, RPT-S Transgender and gender-diverse children face unique challenges in navigating their identities and experiences. Their families also face unique challenges, but many are fearful of voicing them because of how others might perceive them. And well-meaning clinicians can unintentionally create harm when working with this population if they’re unaware of certain blind spots. Gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to provide this much-needed support. This presentation will empower you to leverage play therapy as a dynamic and effective approach to support these children and their families in understanding and expressing themselves in a safe and affirming environment.  For more information keep scrolling!   Use the dropdown menu below to select your attendance option. You may select to attend the Morning Session courses, Afternoon Session courses, or Full Day to attend them all! *If you are attending live, select the "Live Event" option from the dropdown menu below.  *If you are unable to attend live, select the "Home Study" option from the dropdown menu below. (Must be completed within 7 days following the live event)
  • Registration Deadline is August 12th, 2024!

    This dynamic two-hour live webinar course delves into the intricate interplay between trauma, neurocognitive processes, and communication patterns, shedding light on the challenges therapists face when working with survivors of trauma, especially those from culturally diverse backgrounds or with language barriers. Did you know that trauma's profound impact on neurocognitive functioning can significantly influence communication dynamics within therapeutic settings? This, coupled with cultural and linguistic disparities, can pose an added challenge when trying to establish rapport and foster healing with clients, particularly among Limited English Proficient or Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals! Join Lisa Dion, Founder & President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute, and Mila Golovine, President & CEO of Masterword, for this live webinar course that navigates the intersections of cultural competency, trauma-informed therapy, and effective communication strategies. You will also get insights into enhancing the therapeutic alliance, fostering better client engagement, and ultimately improving therapeutic outcomes! Key highlights include:
    • Understanding how trauma affects neurocognitive processes and communication patterns.
    • Exploring cultural competence in therapy and its significance in trauma recovery.
    • Identifying challenges and strategies for effective communication with clients from diverse backgrounds.
    • Best practices for working with Limited English Proficient or Deaf/Hard of Hearing clients.
    • Practical techniques to promote therapeutic alliance and engagement.
    • Ethical considerations and sensitivity when utilizing interpreters in therapy sessions.
    Don't miss this chance to learn actionable insights and tools to navigating the complexities of trauma, culture, and language and to more effectively meet your clients at this complex intersection! *Closed captioning will be available through Zoom for this live webinar course. *If you are attending live, select the "Live Event" option from the dropdown menu below. (No playback will be provided) *If you are unable to attend live, select the "Home Study" option from the dropdown menu below to view the recording. (Must be completed within 7 days following the live event)  
  • EARLY BIRD Registration Deadline is August 1st, Use coupon code "Adelaide50" at checkout for $50 USD off!

    Final Registration Deadline is September 12th.

    Lisa Dion is coming to Adelaide, Australia! Come join us for two unforgettable days of learning! During these two days, Lisa will teach a total of three topics adding up to 12 hours of transformative teaching! You will have the option to select to attend one or both workshop days to best fit your needs. Day 1 - "Playing Perfectly: A Play Therapist's Guide for Working with OCD" From perfectionism to anxiety to self-doubt, the world of a child struggling with OCD can be incredibly overwhelming. Come explore how to support these children in play therapy and discover how their need for perfection is in fact perfect! Supporting a child struggling with obsessive compulsions and perfectionism can be incredibly challenging as the desire to move the child out of their rigidity and rituals can overshadow the deeper issues and stressors driving the behaviors. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a complex disorder as the reasons behind the behaviors vary from managing anxiety to past traumas to focused energy inside of a child driving them towards their genius and that which is most meaningful. Due to the complexity, therapists often mis-label, mis-understand, and mis-guide these children in how to work with and understand their rituals and need for perfectionism. Without an understanding of this disorder and how play therapy is able to support the integration of the underlying drivers of the behaviors, play therapists can inadvertently intensify the inner struggle that is often experienced by these children as they attempt to stop, control and, even deny the urges in their bodies. Drawing from Synergetic Play Therapy® and interpersonal neurobiology, this workshop explores non-directive and directive play based interventions to help support play therapists on a path to understand the perfection in these children's perfection, while teaching the child how to do the same. Play therapists will take a deeper look at the regulatory function of the child’s behaviors that manage the internal conflicts and anxieties these children often carry.  Through discussion and experiential exercises, play therapists will learn how to separate the underlying drivers from the wisdom of the rituals themselves. With this knowledge, play therapists will learn how to use themselves and many forms of play to help these children access an understanding of the greatest perfection that exists, the child just as they are! Day 2 Topic 1- "Developing Interoception: The Pre-req for Co-regulation and Self-Regulation in the Playroom" Helping children learn how to regulate is essential, but without first strengthening the child's interoceptive sense, regulation may not be successful. This experiential workshop offers various opportunities to explore how play can develop this fundamental part of the sensory system! As play therapists, there is an understanding that regulation and co-regulation are essential skills that must be developed in order to have successful relationships and manage emotions and are essential for trauma integration; however, what many play therapists may not fully understand is that there is a prerequisite that needs to be in place for regulation skills to be effective. What has been understood for years in the world of Occupational Therapy is now becoming a primary focus of education for play therapists. This important understanding is that the child’s interoceptive sense, the 8th sensory system that is responsible for letting the brain know how the body is doing, must be developed first before a child can successfully regulate and co-regulate. Without the development and strengthening of the interoceptive sense, a child may have all kinds of regulation knowledge and tools but will not be able to read their own body cues to know when to use them. Examples such as knowing when to use the bathroom, when to take a deep breath, when to ask for help, the ability to read non-verbal cues, knowing when emotions are feeling overwhelming, etc. all rely on interoception! This playful workshop is designed to help play therapists learn what the interoceptive sense is and how to use play to develop interoception in their child clients, setting the stage for successful regulation and co-regulation. Play therapists will have fun experientially exploring this fundamental part of the sensory system! Day 2 Topic 2 - "Mindfulness in Play Therapy" (with special guest Mindfulness Expert Peter Bliss!) Neuroscience is revealing that mindfulness is a key component for integration, so what is it, what is it not, and how do play therapists incorporate it into the playroom? These are important questions to consider! In this workshop, you will explore some of the neuroscience behind mindfulness as you learn how to cultivate it within yourself and within your child clients. You will also learn the importance of bringing mindfulness into the playroom as a way to avoid compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout. This course is applicable to all play therapy theories! Please use the dropdown menu below to select your attendance option. You may choose to attend Day 1, Day 2, or both days for the full learning experience! *Please note that this is an entirely live, in-person event. Recordings of these workshops will not be made available.
  • In this workshop, participants will delve into the world of "shoulds" and negative self-talk; those internalized expectations and societal norms that often shape our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions while influencing our lives, physiology, and well-being.   During this hour, we will uncover the complex interplay of factors that contribute to the formation of "shoulds" and most importantly, the unique role they play in our psychology. Understanding how “shoulds” and negative self-talk form, the connection they have with our physiology, and the purpose behind them will help you reframe these patterns as valuable feedback systems on the pathway toward authenticity and congruency. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to harness the power of “shoulds” and negative self-talk for personal growth and self-discovery! And, one of the best parts is that you will be able to take this information and have a better understanding of what is happening with your clients and loved ones, as well!
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom, we will talk about the concept of emotional age and its profound impact on therapeutic interactions with children. Through insightful discussion and practical examples, participants will explore the distinction between chronological and emotional age, gaining valuable tools to assess and attune to a child's emotional state. Participants will learn strategies to recognize emotional regression in children and themselves, fostering deeper levels of empathy and understanding. By understanding and working with emotional age, therapists can better support children through their healing journey, creating a nurturing environment for growth and development.   Course details below.
  • In this episode of Lessons From The Playroom Podcast, we delve into the intricate world of children's lying behavior in this thought-provoking. Participants explored the underlying motives and protective patterns driving lying behavior, challenging traditional views on honesty. Through real-world examples and practical strategies, learn to create a neuroception of safety that fosters trust and authenticity. Gain insights into recognizing lying patterns and responding therapeutically to promote honesty and connection. This Lessons From The Playroom episode offers valuable tools and techniques for caregivers and professionals seeking to navigate lying behavior with empathy and understanding, ultimately fostering meaningful relationships with children.    Course details below.
  • Out of stock

    2024-2025 Synergetic Play Therapy® Certification Program

    Applications are now CLOSED! 

    Please check back for information about the 2025-2026 cohort later in 2024 OR contact the Institute to be notified when Applications open, info@synergeticplaytherapy.com!

    Take a moment to reflect on the growth you’ve witnessed since starting the introductory course. How have your clients evolved? How have your therapy sessions changed? Most importantly, how have you changed? Your growth is the key to unlocking your clients’ full potential for transformation. During the introductory course, you've merely scratched the surface of what's possible for client healing and transformation. Imagine delving deeper into a wealth of knowledge and skills with 85 hours of content (plus 13 hours of consultation!). This is precisely what awaits you in our 10-month SPT Certification program, designed to empower you as a therapist or other professional!  Here's what you can look forward to!
    • Dive deeper into understanding attunement, attachment, and mindfulness to enhance your client’s reflective awareness, self-regulation, and co-regulation.
    • Gain insight on how to scaffold the development of a child’s interoceptive sense. 
    • Cultivate an ability to hold awareness of self and other (dual awareness) in order to become an attuned external regulator.
    • Explore the interconnectedness between physics and psychology.
    • Learn why individuals are driven to do what they do and become who they are.
    • Discover how trauma is stored in the body and mind, shaping a client’s narrative.
    • Learn how to work with implicit memory to repattern the somatic imprints and protective patterns of the autonomic nervous system.
    • Understand the Vagus Nerve and the role it plays in trauma integration and regulation.
    • Gain profound insight into the homeostatic mechanisms within the mind and how these contribute to emotions.
    • Understand how to assess and work with a child’s emotional age.
    • Overcome fears related to working with caregivers and create true collaborative partnerships.
    • Master the use of sand and art in both non-directive and directive approaches.
    • Learn about the sensory system and how to use this information with neurodivergent children.
    • Explore directive interventions for groups, families, teens, siblings, and adults using the SPT tenets.
    • Learn how to work with non-verbal regressive states.
    • Work with your own activation that naturally arises in sessions and repattern your own nervous system response.
    • Deepen your understanding of how to track a child’s progress on the SPT Therapeutic Stages. 
    • Master the art of managing endings, transitions, and strategies for facilitating a meaningful “goodbye process” with caregivers and children.
    • Empower both yourself and your clients within the therapy process, tracking small moments and significant empowerment experiences in a client’s therapeutic journey.
    • And so much more!!!!
    This fully-immersive online experience will transform you from a therapist who understands to one who truly embodies the power of what you do in the world. It’s time to move beyond your Level 1 Introductory Synergetic Play Therapy skills and turn them into a way of being in the playroom! The transformation begins from day one. As one of our students said, “I already got my money’s worth in just the first day of the program.” She was speaking to the level of insight that she had already gained about herself and her clients after only a few hours of stepping into her next level of Synergetic Play Therapy learning.  Dive deeper into the Synergetic Play Therapy process and embrace yourself, discover your magnificence, and tap into a higher state of authenticity. It’s time to embody Synergetic Play Therapy and take it to the next level. You’re worth it, your own transformation is worth it, and the individuals in your life are worth it. This is not the end of the road – it’s just the beginning of a remarkable journey! Check out what others had to say about this program! ***By enrolling in this course you will also receive a FREE BONUS video course "How to Have a Successful Intake" to help you begin preparing for your time in the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program and the first Learning Retreat! Synergetic Play Therapy Prerequisites: Must have completed one SPT introductory course and their corresponding prerequisites to apply to this program (price of the introductory course is independent of the Certification program pricing):
    • 6-Month Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Online course 
    • 3-Day In-Person Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy course
    • Synergetic Play Therapy Supplemental course (no longer offered) 
    • 6-Day SPT Intensive Training (no longer offered)
    Ready to submit your application? Please click "Add to Cart" below to pay the $150 application fee. Once payment is confirmed you will be sent a link to complete the online application!
    *For all class details, class objectives, research scholarship, CE credits and more, see below.
  • Get $100 USD OFF until September 6, 2024, when you use the Early Bird coupon code BOT2024100 at checkout!


    Back by popular demand - revised, energized, and with an in-person and virtual option, join us November 7th-9th, 2024, for the next The Business of Therapy course, this time in vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana! Custom designed for therapists, coaches, helpers and healers like yourself, who are deeply committed to making an impact and want to be of greater service - whether it's one-on-one in private practice, launching a product or program, or running a company - this course will help you elevate your skills and take your entrepreneurial dream to new heights! This course teaches you the steps involved in building a dream, as well as helps you understand the why behind them so you can think like a business entrepreneur. Plus, for 2.5 days, Lisa Dion, creator of Synergetic Play Therapy®, President of the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute and co-founder of the Synergetic Education Institute, will give you the key ingredients she's learned and discovered along her own entrepreneurial journey.  This course is for you, if you:
    • Have a business idea and don’t know where to start.
    • Have a successful business and want to take it to the next level.
    • Have launched a dream and can’t seem to get traction.
    • Feel overwhelmed by the many to-dos and responsibilities of your business.
    • Feel alone, confused and filled with self doubt as you think about building and growing your dream.
    • Keep finding yourself in-debt and/or not able to grow your finances.
    • Keep finding that your fears and limiting beliefs are stopping your growth.
    • Want to become more efficient with the business you have (no matter the size of your business) so that you can work more ON your business vision instead of always in the business!
    This year’s event will be held at the luxurious Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Avenue Hotel, located in the Central Business District of New Orleans! How perfect is that? This hotel was built in 1926 as the Louisiana Masonic Temple and is minutes away from the French Quarter, home to Canal and Bourbon Street! Get ready to experience historical elegance, luxurious accommodations, culinary delights, rooftop views, and award-winning service! Let the good times roll!

    VIP Experience is SOLD OUT! WOW, that was fast! Thank you to the lucky first 20 to register!

    New this year, an exclusive VIP experience for just 20 attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis! Join Lisa for 4 additional hours on the final day and prepare to dive into more invaluable insights - Lisa will personally guide you through a series of exercises designed to fine-tune your plans and propel you toward success! Your VIP pass also comes with special surprises along the way, focused time with Lisa, and, to top it off, a night out in New Orleans together (should you wish to join)! Lisa will also be hosting a virtual "meet and greet" for VIPs only prior to the first day of the course to share details about the VIP Experience and begin to discuss your goals!

    Hear what past The Business of Therapy Participants have to say about the course in the video below!


    Keep scrolling to learn more about this course and the In-Person Experience! If you know that you would like to attend the course Online/Virtually, click here! *Please pay special attention to the in-person or online selection made when purchasing your course. You will not have the opportunity to switch your attendance from one format to the other after the registration deadline.

    Registration deadline is June 17th, 2024, 12pm Mountain Time, Denver


    Have you been searching for ways to create a deeper impact for your clients? Or perhaps you are wanting to improve or learn more about ...
    • Becoming an external regulator to support children with integration and repatterning the activation of their nervous system.
    • Supporting healing at deeper levels through right brain to right brain attuned communication.
    • Teaching children interoceptive (body) awareness (...the key ingredient for self-regulation and co-regulation). 
    • Creating a neuroception of safety for a child when emotional flooding happens.
    • Setting boundaries with the brain in mind to not minimize, shame or shut down the child's play, but keep them engaged in their therapy process.
    • Building collaborative relationships with caregivers to support their child's therapeutic process.
    • Developing goals, tracking a child's therapeutic process, and translating what's happening during the child's therapy session to their caregiver(s) and others in the world.
    • Helping children develop a secure attachment to themselves (...a foundation of resilience).
    • Applying SPT concepts from a cultural lens for a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical orientation where a client's unique experiences and needs are honored.
    • How to feel a little more like YOU in the therapy process (...because we know inauthenticity is the fastest way to burnout and compassion fatigue). 
    Learn all of this and so much more! Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy is a comprehensive 32-hour program that explores the foundational skills of SPT. This six-month online program is designed for both beginning and advanced practitioners and will take you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration, and (....if this wasn't enough), you'll come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

    Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

    Check out what past students had to say about their experiences in the course!

    "SPT is the missing piece in play therapy. I gained an understanding of who I am in the playroom - a humanness that wasn't there before." -Frances Donohue

    Join the growing number of mental health professionals, those in related roles (Child Life Specialists, School Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Coaches, etc.) and parents/caregivers who are learning SPT!

    *For program details and objectives, see below.

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