Welcome to Play Therapy Institute of Colorado’s E-Learning Site

Please select a course below to get started.

  • In this free one-hour webinar, you’ll understand how to manage your stress, fear, anxiety and depression and why it’s important to do so … And that’s not even the best part - You’ll be shown mindfulness strategy after mindfulness strategy, offered understanding of the neuroscience behind each, and guided through how to use them - go from “not just a good idea” to why you would do it and when you would use it.
  • In response to COVID-19, the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute began offering free webinars to address the challenges, stress and impact that therapists, teachers, parents, and those on the frontlines were facing. Since then, we've continued to offer free webinars to support you on your professional and personal life's journey. Please enjoy free access to these very special webinars. You may view and share it with as many people as you feel it would help.
  • Being a therapist is not an easy job as it requires an on-going commitment to show up day in and day out when your clients need you ... But what happens when the people we are serving aren't the only ones in crisis? What happens when we are in crisis too? (We are human after all). And what happens if it's the same crisis?! In this special one-hour webinar (Part 3 of Regulating Through the Coronavirus webinar series), you'll reconnect to yourself and gain greater internal resources to help you overcome many of the challenges of being a therapist right now.
  • Lisa Dion and her dear friend, Peter Bliss join forces again to support you in staying connected during the Holidays ....with the message that staying calm is not the objective or solution for getting through not only the challenges and uncertainty of the world we live in right now, but also this holiday season (because as we know, it's not always about cheer and jubilee).
  • This program is for you if you work IN SCHOOLS (as a school counselor, social worker or psychologist, or a school-based mental health professional) or if you COLLABORATE WITH educators or schools!

    **For all program details and dates of when this program is offered, please visit the Synergetic Education Institute's website**

    A Synergetic Approach to Education (formerly One Foot in Education: Exploring Education Through an SPT Lens) offered by our sister institute, the Synergetic Education Institute, is a distinct and transformative approach to learning and teaching, working at the intersection of education and mental health! Synergetic educators recognize that the collaborative efforts of educators, students, classrooms, and educational systems produce a more substantial impact than individual contributions. This approach spans the landscape of working with students and perceived challenges and barriers, considering all aspects of learners and the learning environment. It incorporates neuroscience and nervous system regulation research with empowerment practices to create positive change within the immediate environment while maintaining a broader perspective using integrated and differentiated approaches. You will delve into strategies designed for educational settings that promote trauma-informed, social-emotional support within schools. You'll learn to implement these strategies as well as understand the neuroscience behind them, empowering you to support others in deepening their knowledge and awareness. You will also learn how to...
    • Implement approaches based on neuroscience that support the development of self-regulation skills, including critical skills that are often missing from SEL programming.
    • Support educators in understanding how to prepare brains and bodies to learn, including articulating the links between neurophysiological states and classroom behaviors
    • Identify the dynamics behind complex student-adult relationships and how to shift these challenging interactions.
    • Increase feelings of safety and belonging for students and adults
    • Implement small shifts in daily routines that include explicitly teaching critical skills using both "top-down" and "bottom-up" approaches.
    • Reframe “resistance” to meeting educators at their level of readiness.
    • Embody Synergetic Play Therapy® principles and collaborate with teachers to empower them and shift their perceptions of students
    "This course has been life-changing for me personally and for so many of the clients and families I work with! I love that your class applies to clinical practice as well! Judith has a brilliant mind and it was an honor to learn from her. I am so grateful. There are moments in your life that are pivotal and I know my Synergetic Play Therapy (SPT) and SPT in schools are one of those pivotal moments for me as a professional and a mom." - Chey Cochran, LPC Check out the clip below for a sample of what you can expect during live webinars!
    Program Prerequisites: This program requires that you have taken a Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® program. This includes the completion of one of the following: If you have not yet completed one of the above programs, you now have the opportunity to meet the prerequisites for A Synergetic Approach to Education by taking the new Fundamentals Course through the Synergetic Education Institute!* *The Fundamentals Course has been created specifically for individuals who wish to take a Synergetic Approach to Education but have not yet completed a Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® program. This course will take you through key Synergetic Play Therapy® principles, creating a foundation on which to build. Please note: This course has been paired down to focus on specific concepts to prepare students for A Synergetic Approach to Education, and, therefore, is not a full replacement for the Level 1 Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® program.  Should your goal be to apply for the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program, you must complete the entire Introduction program.
  • Have you found it difficult, confusing, tiring, or maybe even exhausting wearing your two hats day in and day out? One as a therapist and the other as a parent?... Lisa totally gets it!!...as both a therapist and a parent these past 15 years. This one-hour recorded webinar that will help you discover ways to be the most important toy in both the playroom and in your own home!  
  • Oh yes! You likely know what we're talking about ... the feeling of never being "good enough" ... holding yourself back because of pervasive feelings of shame and self-doubt ... the constant worry/anxiety of not measuring up or fear of being outed as a fraud. It may trap you in a cycle of self-doubt, erode your courage and confidence, undermine your success, and lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled goals, and a tendency to hide or hold yourself back. Sound familiar?... [Sigh ] ... Let's take a deep breath and acknowledge how challenging and debilitating "imposter syndrome" can be. Lisa wants to help you begin to overcome imposter syndrome in your life.
  • Early Bird Payment Plan: 9 Months:  $478 USD, Online | $641 AUD 12 Months:  $364 USD, Online | $488 AUD **Save! Get $500 (US Dollars) or $670 (Australian Dollars) off the full cost of the course when you pay in full AND by the early bird deadline for a massive discount!!* Early bird deadline depends on which course you are currently in or have taken in the past. Payment must be made 30 days from your early bird deadline.  [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Select your currency based on the retreat location you would like to attend and wait for the page to refresh before adding to cart." widget_type="dropdown"]    
  • Payment Plan Total 9 Months: $489 USD per month, North America | $656 AUD per month, Australia 12 Months: $374 USD per month,, North America | $501 AUD per month, Australia   [aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Select your currency based on the retreat location you would like to attend and wait for the page to refresh before adding to cart." widget_type="dropdown"]
  • Chances are, you read the title of the webinar and thought, "What! You want me to do what with rejection?!" (We know ... it might not quite make sense yet.) Or perhaps you know that rejection has a purpose in your life, but you still find yourself having a "love/hate" relationship with it. Either way, rejection can be one of the toughest things to experience - it gets right down to your core self and brings up all of your "Am I ok?" feelings. And this is what we're going to talk about in this one-hour free webinar! ... and more specifically, how to embrace it! - like you're best-est of friends (Yes, you heard that right too.)
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