Registration closes July 30, 2025, for the 3.5 Day Learning Retreat!
Did you know that as an esteemed alumnus of the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program, you have the opportunity to return to the online learning retreats and join new cohorts of the Certification program - eager, possibly terrified, and ready to be inspired? (Remember that?)Why Come Back?
As part of the ongoing commitment to keep the teaching of Synergetic Play Therapy ever-evolving, we continue to update the Certification program content. By returning to the online learning retreats, you will:
- Be reminded of the power of the SPT Tenets
- Receive some of the most up-to-date and current understanding of interpersonal neurobiology and SPT theory
- Practice your Synergetic Play Therapy skills with play, sand, and art
- Have the opportunity to do your own personal work toward growth and transformation
- "Come home" to yourself and find even more ways to be fearlessly authentic
- Inspire the new cohort of aspiring Certified SPTers and share your own genius
- AND, meet FULL SPT Credential/Recertification requirements!