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    • heatherfd
        Post count: 10

        hi everyone, i shared this on social media but thought it would be so cool to share here and start a thread of creative things that we’re doing. this is a place for you to post your creative writing, art of any kind, crafts, collages, designs, ANYTHING creative or expressive that you do! i sometimes write poems about my experiences in play therapy and i do a lot of expressive art stuff, so i thought i’d share. i don’t know if we can post pictures in here (if we can i don’t know how to do it!) but i thought i’d share my poem for now and maybe we can figure out sharing pix! here it is:

        “different for her”

        it feels different to her
        to not come to therapy –
        so different than how i feel when i anticipate
        the moment of having to settle in,
        do my work sorting and sifting,
        searching and finding,
        becoming and becoming.

        sometimes i just don’t want to become.
        it hurts to discover myself and
        transformation can be so uncomfortable,
        like trying on dress after dress after dress
        while my skin grows more and more sensitive
        until all i want is to run and slide my body
        into a cold mountain runoff
        and live there, a lady of the lake,
        feet dangling down there in the dark,

        for the child, it feels different –
        her transformation comes in the minutiae of
        making a beaded bracelet with painted wooden beads,
        bead after bead after bead snugly set on the string,
        something with continuity and a sweet structure.
        she is eager to sort and sift and search –
        with me as her gentle companion.
        her becoming brushes up against the solidity of me,
        my nervous system which i’ve cultivated for her.
        i am the great wet stone in the middle of the lake,
        where she can climb up and lay in the sun,
        her hair blowing in the warm breeze,


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