SPT Certification 2019 – 2020: October : Understanding Memory and Narratives
Please click on ” start quiz” below to rate your course objectives to obtain your certificate indicating your CE credits.**
Due to the class topic switching on the October 23rd class, some of the course objectives listed in the quiz were not covered in this lesson. You can rate them a N/A to move on and access your homework. Once these topics are covered in November you can go back and rate them as you feel were reflective of your experience. Thank you.
**As a reminder, the play therapy specific courses offered are open to mental health professional or graduate students in the mental health field only. If you do not meet these requirements then the certificate you are about to receive is not valid for CE credits. We are governed by the Association of Play Therapy and must follow their policy, which requires us to limit play therapy-specific course to mental health professionals.
SPT Certification 2019 – 2020: October : Understanding Memory and Narratives
Time limit: 0
Quiz Summary
0 of 4 Questions completed
You have already completed the quiz before. Hence you can not start it again.
Please use the rating scale to evaluate your workshop course objectives, and if you rate an objective a 3 or less, please help us understand why with an explanation.
Excellent – 5 Good – 4 Average – 3 Fair – 2 Poor – 1
Discuss the difference between implicit and explicit memory and the importance of co-regulation to change the child’s neural pathways during a play therapy session.
This response will be awarded full points automatically, but it can be reviewed and adjusted after submission.
Grading can be reviewed and adjusted.
Grading can be reviewed and adjusted.
Question 2 of 4
2. Question
Please use the rating scale to evaluate your workshop course objectives, and if you rate an objective a 3 or less, please help us understand why with an explanation.
Excellent – 5 Good – 4 Average – 3 Fair – 2 Poor – 1
Discuss how memory is impacted during a traumatic event and how the play therapist’s acts as the master puzzle maker to help the child integrate their traumatic memories in play therapy.
This response will be awarded full points automatically, but it can be reviewed and adjusted after submission.
Grading can be reviewed and adjusted.
Grading can be reviewed and adjusted.
Question 3 of 4
3. Question
Please use the rating scale to evaluate your workshop course objectives, and if you rate an objective a 3 or less, please help us understand why with an explanation.
Excellent – 5 Good – 4 Average – 3 Fair – 2 Poor – 1
Analyze how a therapist’s own personal narrative can influence their ability to become the “external regulator” in the play room by decreasing their window of tolerance when certain emotions, thoughts and sensations arise in a play therapy session
This response will be awarded full points automatically, but it can be reviewed and adjusted after submission.
Grading can be reviewed and adjusted.
Grading can be reviewed and adjusted.
Question 4 of 4
4. Question
Please use the rating scale to evaluate your workshop course objectives, and if you rate an objective a 3 or less, please help us understand why with an explanation.
Excellent – 5 Good – 4 Average – 3 Fair – 2 Poor – 1
Write and discuss whether regulation is enough in the therapeutic relationship to support a child’s healing? Therapist will also write and discuss what else might be needed.
This response will be awarded full points automatically, but it can be reviewed and adjusted after submission.