Welcome to Playing Perfectly: A Play Therapist’s Guide for Working with OCD

Thank you for choosing to join us for this live webinar course! This email serves as your confirmation of purchase and will provide you with all of the information you need to get started!

To help you prepare for the May 19th live webinar course, please review the following:

  1. Click this link to log in to your online learning account:https://learn.synergeticplaytherapy.com/my-account/.  Your new course, Playing Perfectly: A Play Therapist’s Guide for Working with OCD, is waiting for you in your “My Courses” section of your online learning platform!
  2. Mark your calendar for May 19, 2023, 9:00am – 4:30pm Mountain Time (Denver)! This is a live, full day online event so please prepare accordingly!
  3. This live webinar course will be held through Zoom. You will be required to register through Zoom, by May 12th, in order to receive the link to the live webinar session. Please visit your course site for more information. Please note: This session must be attended live and online, with your camera on, in order to receive any CE credit for this course. A recording of this session will not be available.
  4. You will also be required to complete the Course Agreements “lesson” before the start of the required live session. Please complete the first “lesson” of your course, Playing Perfectly: A Play Therapist’s Guide to Working with OCD – Course Agreements, by no later than May 18, 2023, to avoid running into any issues on the day of the live session!

We also invite you to stay connected with us and our SPT Learning Community by joining our private Facebook group!

Should you have any questions leading up to May 19th or should you need assistance navigating your online learning platform, please do not hesitate to contact info@synergeticplaytherapy.com for assistance!

Thank you so much for choosing this course. We can’t wait to get started,


Lisa & the SPTI Team