It is so good to be connected to you again! The intention of this email is to confirm that you are enrolled in the January 2024 Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® Recertification program and to provide you with key information!

The course launches on January 23, 2024, with a LIVE Webinar at 2:00 PM Mountain Time, Denver, followed by the release of the Module 1 lesson.

  • Your Online Learning Platform is the home to your online course site and is where you will go to watch all class videos, take quizzes, access program materials and handouts, locate links to the live webinars, and find other useful information. We encourage you to log in early and often to ensure you are getting the most out of the program!
  • During the program you will be required to take notes for each lesson and upload those notes into a shared Google Drive folder in order to receive credit. During the first week of the program, you will receive access to a shared Google Drive folder to keep all of your lesson notes in one place! If you need help navigating the Google Drive folder please email info@synergeticplaytherapy.com for assistance.
  • Please also add the following Important Class Dates to your calendar:
    • January 23rd, 2024: One-hour LIVE Webinar (2pm MT, Denver)
    • January 23rd, 2024: Module 1 released – Understanding the Set Up/Offering
    • February 16th, 2024: Module 2 released – Understanding States of Activation
    • February 16th, 2024: Video Lesson released – Synergetic Play Therapy® and Cultural Humility
    • March 15th, 2024: Module 3 released – Becoming an External Regulator
    • March 15th, 2024: Video Lesson released – 4 Threats and the Set Up Through a Cultural Lens
    • April 9th, 2024: One-hour LIVE Webinar (2pm MT, Denver) + BONUS VIDEO: Synergetic Play Therapy® & Teletherapy
    • April 19th, 2024: Module 4 released – Partnering with Caregivers/Tracking the Play
    • May 17th, 2024: Module 5 released – Understanding Attachment & Emotional Age
    • June 4th, 2024: One-hour LIVE Webinar (2pm MT, Denver)
    • June 14th, 2024: Module 6/Final Module released – Sand, Art, & Aggression in Synergetic Play Therapy®

We are so excited for this opportunity to revisit SPT concepts with you! If you have any questions, please reach out to the Institute at info@synergeticplaytherapy.com so we can continue to support you!

Thank you again, and see you on January 23rd!

-Lisa and the SPTI Team


Join the January 23rd Live Webinar @ 2:00 PM Mountain Time, DENVER: 