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    • heatherfd
        Post count: 11

        hi everyone, i shared this on social media but thought it would be so cool to share here and start a thread of creative things that we’re doing. this is a place for you to post your creative writing, art of any kind, crafts, collages, designs, ANYTHING creative or expressive that you do! i sometimes write poems about my experiences in play therapy and i do a lot of expressive art stuff, so i thought i’d share. i don’t know if we can post pictures in here (if we can i don’t know how to do it!) but i thought i’d share my poem for now and maybe we can figure out sharing pix! here it is:

        “different for her”

        it feels different to her
        to not come to therapy –
        so different than how i feel when i anticipate
        the moment of having to settle in,
        do my work sorting and sifting,
        searching and finding,
        becoming and becoming.

        sometimes i just don’t want to become.
        it hurts to discover myself and
        transformation can be so uncomfortable,
        like trying on dress after dress after dress
        while my skin grows more and more sensitive
        until all i want is to run and slide my body
        into a cold mountain runoff
        and live there, a lady of the lake,
        feet dangling down there in the dark,

        for the child, it feels different –
        her transformation comes in the minutiae of
        making a beaded bracelet with painted wooden beads,
        bead after bead after bead snugly set on the string,
        something with continuity and a sweet structure.
        she is eager to sort and sift and search –
        with me as her gentle companion.
        her becoming brushes up against the solidity of me,
        my nervous system which i’ve cultivated for her.
        i am the great wet stone in the middle of the lake,
        where she can climb up and lay in the sun,
        her hair blowing in the warm breeze,


      • Melissa Lowndes
          Post count: 7

          Hi Tribe,

          I felt inspired to share a short story about a mythological creature called Sprouts Percel Taganity, SPT for short.

          She lived at the edge of the ocean, where the volcanic rocks had cooled, dried and yet hovered as a middle ground. She was the elemental guide of sea and land, the dynamic hyper-aroused waves of motion and the subtle dense hypo-states of lava soften to density. Strong, stoic and slow, motionless and heavy.

          Yet, SPT unfolded like the breath of life, she captivated other worlds and dimensions in this middle ground, similar to green moss or wet seaweed. SPT could see the beauty in both the dynamics and could be in all worlds, all places, space-time converted. She was Sprouts, she would consult her inner knowing to provide first hand the energy of how each could not be without the other, the shadow and light, the left and right, the universal question…..can the rock exist without the ocean and/or could the ocean exist without the rock?

          SPT could see the beauty in all of the Earthly parts, it was as if she had come upon truth by observing the mages of all perspectives. In a stillness, a mindful glow, SPT could be with the waves and the rocks in a way that most would run for the hills. She was willing to swirl in the counter parts to connect all the dots and leave nothing unfound.

          SPT was the unification of all the oceans and all the lands connected at a zero point perspective, a sliding into place like an unknown jigsaw puzzle piece. Sprouts located where the story began and finished in a cyclic formation. She found friends along the way that were able to mirror back to her, the brilliance of her gifts and so worlds became systems and systems became universes and universes become galactical in their distribution. Underneath all of this SPT had one part that most mythological creatures did not, and that was humility. A knowing, a being, a love and stillness rare in the world of man. Without SPT there were echos of missing particles both wave and form left to their own devices. So I guess this story is a mirror upon itself. Sprouts you have made us all remember the middle ground between the sea and the land.

          Love Mel

          • heatherfd
              Post count: 11


          • Melissa Lowndes
              Post count: 7

              Thanks HFD, your the best x

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