Delve into the evolving landscape of diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness in mental health, exploring how to create a more inclusive and culturally sensitive clinical practice. Led by Lisa Dion, guest panelists Liliana Baylon, Robert Jason Grant and Marshall Lyles share their insights and expertise on a range of essential topics, fostering a deeper understanding of the role culture plays in the therapy process, embracing neurodiversity, and creating inclusive play spaces to cater to individual needs.

Cultivating an Inclusive & Culturally Sensitive Clinical Practice Learning Objectives:

  • Explore what it means to do “your work” with regard to understanding culture
  • Describe how the creation of inclusive play spaces can accommodate individual needs and promote a more diverse and client-centered clinical practice
  • Explore the importance of curiosity when attempting to step into the mind and experience of another individual

To view the video course, please use the password, below. 

Password: Cultural

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