Book: Integrating Extremes: Aggression and Death in the Playroom
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Play therapy can do more than we thought. Much more. Integrating Extremes: Aggression and Death in the Playroom offers a new perspective on working with kids. Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S, provides therapists and other professionals a science-based process for working with children at the deepest, most profound levels of healing. This book explores a new understanding of aggression and death play that’s based on brain function and neuroscience. It provides therapists with a framework to authentically work with the intensity of aggression and death play, without causing their own nervous systems to start to shut down. Integrating Extremes shows therapists how to facilitate aggression and death play in a way that truly allows healing to occur, for both the therapist and the child, at the deepest level possible.
Participants will:
- Develop an understanding of aggression and death play that is based on brain function and neuroscience.
- Explore the four threats to the brain that activate a fight/flight/freeze/fall asleep response and why this is so important to know when working with children.
- Learn practical ways to authentically work with the intensity of aggression and death play, without causing compassion fatigue or burnout.
- Gain an understanding of how to set boundaries without shaming or shutting the child down.
- Learn ways to regulate yourself in the midst of intense play so as to model to the child client how to do the same, thereby enhancing the child’s capacity for self-regulation.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 6
Cost: $60
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Hidden Treasure: A Map to the Child’s Inner Self
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]This book is a follow up to Oaklander’s bestselling book, Windows to Our Children. It offers the reader a variety of creative, expressive and projective techniques to help children discover their true inner selves, with Gestalt Therapy, theory, philosophy and practice as the underlying framework. The play-based approach is applicable to a wide variety of ages, as well as individual work, family work, and group settings.
Participants will:
- Understand the Gestalt Therapy-based approach and how it provides an effective method for psychotherapeutic work with children of all ages.
- Learn through practical examples ways to successfully build therapeutic relationships that enable children to express his or her innermost feelings, to foster self-awareness and self-discovery, to enhance self-esteem, and to promote emotional growth.
- Explore non-directive and directive play therapy interventions as it relates to specific topics including dealing with anger in children; approaches to making contact with adolescents; helping children cope with issues of loss and grief; fostering a sense of self-nurturing; working with very young children; conducting therapy groups for children and adolescents; treating children with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; and the therapeutic use of music.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 6
Cost: $60
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Working with Children with Sexual Behavior Problems
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]This book provides guidance and practical tools when working with children with sexual behavior problems and their families. The authors explain the many possible causes of sexual behavior problems and offer treatment techniques when working 4- to 11-year-olds and their families. Four case examples are provided to illustrate how to integrate cognitive behavioral therapy, play and expressive therapies, and family-based approaches beginning from assessment through treatment and discharge.
Participants will:
- Develop an understanding of what is normative sexual play and in what circumstances children’s sexual behaviors become abusive or harmful.
- Learn how play therapists can respond effectively using assessment and interventions that take into account a range of factors that may contribute to a child’s difficulties, including trauma, abuse, attachment issues, family stressors, cultural and media influences, developmental delays, and general impulse control problems.
- Learn concrete strategies to engage both caregivers and children, educate them about sexuality, and help strengthen their relationship while working toward behavioral changes.
- Explore a structured treatment approach, the Boundary Project, and ways to integrate cognitive behavioral therapy, play therapy and other expressive therapies, and family therapy.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 6
Cost: $60
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The Interpersonal Neurobiology of Play
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]The mental health field has seen a significant shift in the past decade toward including a neuroscience perspective when designing clinical interventions. However, for many play therapists it has been challenging to apply this information in the context of play therapy. Here, Theresa Kestly teaches therapists how to understand the neurobiology of play experiences so the undeniable benefits of play therapy can be exploited to their fullest. At last, clinical readers have a book that takes seriously the importance of play and brings a scientific eye to this most important aspect of life. Drawing on concepts of interpersonal neurobiology, the benefits of play interventions to achieve attunement, neural integration, healthy attachment, and the development of resilience and well-being become clear.
Participants will:
- Learn the neurobiology of play experiences and how to apply in a clinical setting.
- Gain an understanding of the importance of play and the benefits of play interventions to achieve attunement, neural integration, healthy attachment, and the development of resilience and well-being.
- Explore specific topics about play including the therapeutic playroom, the collaborative relationship between therapist and clients, storytelling, and mindfulness.
- Learn about the undervalued state of play in our families, clinics and schools and what we can do about it including ways to more fully integrate play into our lives.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 8
Cost: $80
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Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children, 2nd ed.
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]The book demonstrates a range of creative approaches for facilitating children’s emotional reparation and recovery from trauma. Throughout the book, experienced practitioners from the fields of creative arts therapies and play therapy explain and demonstrate action-oriented, creative interventions grounded in sensory-based neurobiology-informed principles and practices. Rich with case material and artwork, the book is both practical and user-friendly.
Participants will:
- Learn developmentally appropriate, sensory-based interventions that reach children in “brainwise” ways.
- Explore cutting-edge approaches in working with children and adolescents, including art therapy, music therapy, drama therapy, dance/movement therapy, and play therapy methods that integrate expressive arts, storytelling, and sandtray.
- Learn new information related to creative arts therapies and play therapy in three areas of interest to trauma specialists: neurobiology and neurodevelopment; self-regulation; and resilience and posttraumatic growth.
- Explore case material and artwork as it relates to specific types of stressful childhood experiences including parental loss, child abuse, family violence, bullying, and mass trauma.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 10
Cost: $100
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Play Therapy with Traumatized Children: A Prescriptive Approach
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]This book takes the therapist on a journey from the beginning to the end when working with children who have experienced trauma. The author introduces the model, Flexibly Sequential Play Therapy (FSPT), which integrates non-directive play therapy and directive approaches, as well as, to provide concrete techniques and case studies to illustrate.
Participants will:
- Develop an understanding of the Flexibly Sequential Play Therapy (FSPT) model that integrates non-directive and directive approaches.
- Learn how to create a safe place for trauma processing, enhance a child’s adaptive coping strategies, maximize the power of play, create a developmentally-sensitive trauma narrative and use termination to make positive meaning of the post-trauma self.
- Explore strategies to integrate parents and caregivers in the child’s therapeutic process.
- Through case studies, learn creative, practical and easily replicable play-based interventions that can be used to guide the child’s treatment from the beginning, middle and end.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 10
Cost: $100
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Book: Children’s Use of Board Games in Psychotherapy
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Play with structure board games is developmentally appropriate for latency-age children but is seldom discussed in the child therapy literature or seen as therapeutically useful. This book describes ways that structured board games can reveal the internal psychodynamic working of the child and can be understood as projective material. Clinical examples of children’s play reveal parallels between their dramatic and their board-game play. Both show unconscious content, defensive needs, and interpersonal and transferential relationships. As therapists, we can search for the same underlying dynamics we would look for in these other symbolic expressions.”This book also discusses a child’s developmental changes and how the dramatic, magical play of childhood is replaced by the structured, rule-oriented play of the middle years. Therapists must sensitively follow hem in this development, rather than force them to continue the more regressed play of childhood or push them prematurely into the verbal world of adolescents and adults. Children’s Use Of Board Games in Psychotherapy demonstrates ways to work with the material which children give us at this stage, even when expressed in the form of structured games.
Participants will:
- Understand how to use the structured board games and specially designed therapeutic board games to meet play therapy clinical goals with clients.
- Develop an understanding of children’s normal expected development of the use of structured games in order to understand the child’s development in the play therapy session.
- Understand how to identify themes and progress toward play therapy goals in structured board game play.
- Learn to match verbal responses to the child’s development stage and style of play in the play therapy process.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 6
Cost: $60
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Book: Helping Abused and Traumatized Children: Integrating Directive Nondirective Approaches
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Presenting an integrative model for treating traumatized children, this book combines play, art and other expressive therapies with ideas and strategies drawn from cognitive-behavioral and family therapy. Eliana Gil demonstrates how to tailor treatment to the needs of each child by using both directive and nondirective approaches. Throughout, practical clinical examples illustrate ways to target trauma-related symptomatology while also helping children process painful feelings and memories that are difficult to verbalize. The book concludes with four in-depth cases that bring to life the unique situation of each child and family, the decision making process of the therapist, and the applications of developmentally informed, creative, and flexible interventions.
Participants will:
- Learn how to build strong relationships with young clients who have experienced abuse, as well target trauma-related symptomatology when a child is unable or unwilling to “talk about it.”
- Become familiar with an integrative treatment model that combines play and other expressive therapies with elements of cognitive-behavioral and family therapy.
- Learn how to draw on strengths of diverse approaches in tailoring play therapy to each child’s unique needs.
- Learn effective ways of involving parents and siblings in the play therapy process, as well as how to address special challenges such as post-traumatic play and dissociation.
- Explore four case studies that show how play, art, sand tray and other nonverbal and symbolic techniques enable children to externalize and process overwhelming experiences in a nonthreatening way, as well as how cognitive and behavioral procedures can help children deal with distressing thoughts, emotions and behaviors on a more verbal, rational level.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 8
Cost: $80
Buy The Book: Click Here[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]This book describes how therapists can both facilitate constructive play therapy and intervene in posttraumatic play to help children who have been traumatized by abuse or neglect achieve a positive resolution. Traditional techniques of play therapy are reviewed for their application to this population. Throughout, numerous therapeutic aids are described to enhance the child’s capacity to communicate verbally or symbolically. To help clinicians translate theory into daily practice, the book presents six detailed clinical vignettes that offer step-by-step guidelines for assessment and intervention in different situations of abuse or neglect.
Participants will:
- Learn the indicators and impact of child abuse and trauma.
- Learn non-directive and directive techniques used in child therapy.
- Understand the factors involved in planning and applying child therapies when working with abused children.
- Become familiar with the use of directive and non-directive play therapy techniques as applied in several different case studies: neglect, sexual abuse, multiple trauma, hospitalization, and chronic abuse.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 6
Cost: $60
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Book: Play Therapy for Very Young Children
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]This book’s focus is on the clinical practice of play therapy with very young children and their families. The reader is provided a compilation of therapeutic approaches, with an emphasis on the vital importance of early intervention, especially the use of play in helping young children from birth to three years of age. Written by child developmental experts and leading authorities in the field of early intervention, it is a comprehensive guide to play therapy with infants and toddlers.
Participants will:
- Gain an understanding of the mental health needs of infants and toddlers.
- Learn current research and practice related to what is important for infants and toddlers and their families in the field of play therapy.
- Explore specific play-based interventions that can assist in dealing with the multiple obstacles that interfere with the infant or toddler’s optimal development.
- Review case studies to further conceptualize specific play therapy interventions that can be utilized with these very young children.
APT Approved Provider 09-264
Credit Hours: 10
Cost: $100
Buy The Book. Click here.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
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