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Welcome To The Membership Site For Synergetic Play Therapy!
Welcome Certified SPT Therapists. Over the years I’ve heard from many of you that what you most long for after graduation is a sense of community and ways to keep learning more. It’s my hope that with this Membership Site you’ll be able to stay up to date on the latest SPT information and education, continually expand your skill set, further develop your professional capacities and, most importantly, maintain the connection with like-minded colleagues on the path to authenticity in the playroom.
As a reminder, the definition of Synergetics is “systems in transformation.” You began your transformation when you started this training process. As a cohort, we collaborated in such a way that our parts created a synergy that was greater than any individual parts could have been on their own and as you having been taking this “knowing” into the playroom, I want you to be able to continue to grow and connect with the entire SPT community. As we all know, we are in a “movement” together, helping children, parents and other therapists awaken their own authenticity.
Thank you for joining me in this membership site. Your feedback is always welcome, so speak up and let me know what you want and need. This site is for you!
As a community, let’s remind ourselves that we are the most important toy in the playroom and that our authentic selves is the greatest gift we can give our child clients, our loved ones and the world. Be who you are rather than who you think you are supposed to be. We’ll be here to support your every move.
Sincerely, Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
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