Community Video Library

Enjoy monthly short videos with Lisa on topics to support your practice as a Certified Synergetic Play Provider or Therapist 

Have questions, comments or suggestions for subjects you would like us to cover? Please send us an email at Thanks!

Directive vs. Non-Directive from an SPT Perspective

It’s Been A Minute…A Review of Planes of Possibilities, Plateaus & Peaks

The Relationship Between Addiction & Values

ADD & ADHD from an SPT Lens

Becoming Our Disowned Parts

The Relationship Between Emotion & Valence

A Story of Trauma Integration in Dementia

Helping Parents/Caregivers Shift their Perceptions

Getting to Know Your Internal Landscape

Syncing Your Nervous System through Bilateral Art

Review of Rocking the Baby

Experimenting with Cold Water to Return to Ventral

Tip for Regulating Between Sessions

Regulation Tool to Activate Your Vagus Nerve

Practicing Regulation Through the Body