Welcome to The Business of Therapy Accountability Group 2024!

Congratulations on choosing to show up for yourself and your peers over the next year! You should know that we think you are absolutely amazing

The intention of this email is to confirm that you are enrolled in the 2024 The Business of Therapy Accountability Group, as well as to provide key information to get you started.

Your online learning platform contains your course site for this group and is where all of the information you will need throughout our time together will be located! To log in to your account, click here. (Your log in details are the username/password you set up when you purchased this group.) It will be important that you are returning to your course site regularly to remain engaged and avoid missing any important information!

Mark Your Calendars Now:

We will start in January and end in October. Each group will be 2 hours in length from 4pm – 6pm Mountain Time (Denver). Please add the following dates to your calendar now:  (Make sure to adjust for daylight savings!)

  • January 31, 2024
  • April 24, 2024
  • July 31, 2024
  • October 9, 2024

Here’s what you can expect during our time together:

  • Lisa will provide teaching on important business topics to keep you learning and thinking
  • Individual or Group facilitation with Lisa to see how her business brain works, what questions she asks to bring clarity and order to the current situation, and how to apply this thinking to make better decisions for your business
  • Collaborative discussions and feedback through time with a partner or in a group
  • Dedicated thinking time and quarterly goal reflection

Plus, optional opportunities for additional accountability through:

  • Monthly accountability tasks for ongoing learning, growing, and focusing on your goals
  • Peer accountability groups for enhanced connection and support

If you could use an Accountability Partner or want to join a small group of your peers to help you stay on track and keep showing up for yourself over the next 10 months, please complete the Google Form linked below! If interested, please submit your form before our first group together on January 31, 2024, and after our first group, we will send out an email with names and contact emails so you can start to find a partner!

The Business of Therapy Accountability Partners (2024)

You will also receive a short questionnaire three weeks before each live group so be on the lookout for these emails! Your participation in these quarterly questionnaires is so important as it helps Lisa design the teaching focus and decide whether or not to do a one-on-one coaching sessions live or facilitate the entire group!

Below is your Zoom link for our first live group on January 31st @ 4:00pm Mountain Time, DENVER:


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email and our team will happily assist you!

Looking forward to this next year of growth together,


Lisa and the SPTI Team