Welcome to the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute® Externship Consultant Training Program!

The Synergetic Play Therapy Institute® Externship Consultant Training Program is designed to offer a clinically-rich learning environment as well as introduce potential Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Consultants to SPTI programming. In the externship, consultants have an opportunity to learn while getting a preview of the Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Consultant experience before making a full commitment.

SPTI Externs will be supported in deepening their SPT consultation skills, especially centered on facilitating group consultation at the Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® level. As Externs move through the program, they will also receive orientation to the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute’s® values-driven systems and protocols. In addition, Externs can earn 26 CE credits by participating in and successfully completing the Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® program. These credits can be utilized in a number of ways, including renewal of your Certified SPT credential!

During the Synergetic Play Therapy® Externship Consultant Training Program, Externs will have the opportunity to participate as consultants for one round of the six-month Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program while receiving additional training and support before and during the program. Once the program is completed, and after a discussion of readiness with the Lead Intro to Synergetic Play Therapy Consultant and Supervisor Trainer, participants may have the opportunity to move into a paid independent contractor position as an Intro to Synergetic Play Therapy Consultant.  The Intro to Synergetic Play Therapy Consultant then completes 5 more rounds of the program. 

As an Extern, your responsibilities will include the following:

  • Work with a diverse group of students both domestically and internationally.
  • Work with a minimum of 4 students with a maximum of 12 students (between 1 and 3 groups) during the 6 month Online Synergetic Play Therapy Introductory course.
  • Provide 60 minute group consultation(s) each month during the course
  • Provide a make-up individual consultation of 30-minute or 50-minute consultation to students that have missed a group consultation.
  • Provide up to three 50-minute Pre-Certification consultations, monthly, to those going into the Certification Program to help prepare them for the course, adhering to the guidelines for Pre-Certification set forth in the Course Curriculum guidelines. 
  • Participate in the 6 month Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy course alongside their students- including attendance at live webinars for student support and watching the course videos.

Externship Consultant Training Program Schedule: All Trainings are required as they are an integral part of the Externship experience. The coinciding lessons for each module will open one week prior to the scheduled training session (Times are in Mountain Time, Denver). *Should you need to miss a live training session, you will be required to view the recording and email a copy of your notes to your Lead Intro Consultant within 2 weeks of the live session date.

  • Module 1: Introduction to Externship – August 13, 2024: 5-7 pm Mountain Time (Denver). This training is designed to orient externs to the externship program, SPTI’s mission/vision, SPTI’s systems and protocols and what it means to be a consultant at the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute.
  • Module 2: Content Review – September 17, 2024: 5:30-7 pm Mountain Time (Denver). Externs will have an opportunity to learn and review the Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy course key teaching points. This training is designed to help build confidence and clarity as externs will need to be able to teach concepts to their students.
  • Module 3: Consultation Review – October 15, 2024, at 5-7pm Mountain Time (Denver). In this training module, externs will have an opportunity to review and deepen their understanding of what it means to be an SPT Supervisor.  This knowledge will be translated into the role of a consultant while externs have the opportunity to practice complicated scenarios and develop skills to facilitate both individual and group consultation.  
  • Module 4: SPTI Resources Training – January 23, 2025: TBD (Team EMPOWER); TBD (Team RAD). This training module is designed to help externs understand the basic principles behind upselling products and services.  Through experiential role plays, externs will learn how to support students in making decisions about how they would love to continue to learn about Synergetic Play Therapy (courses, on-going consultation, etc) as this is an important part of student engagement.

Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® Program Support/Consultation Groups:

The Synergetic Play Therapy® Externship Consultant Training Program begins in August with orientation and training. Then, the cohort is divided into two groups: one supports the 6-month October Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program and the other supports the 6-month January Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program. You will be asked to provide your group consultation availability to the Lead Intro Consultant by using the links below. This information will help determine your group consultation dates/times.

*Upon completion of the assigned Online Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy program you will be able to download and print a CE Certificate.

You may use this link to review the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute® Externship Consultant Training Program Information Sheet.