Hello SPTer!

It is so good to be connected to you again! Thank you for all you are doing out in the world and for coming back to this program to renew your SPT Credential, so that you can continue your journey as a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider.

You might be wondering “Why do I have to go back to the basics?” and the answer is because when you first learned the Synergetic Play Therapy tenets and foundational teachings of Synergetic Play Therapy, you spent the majority of your time trying to orient towards a new way of being in the playroom while trying to grab ahold of some of the details of the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy (some of which stuck and some of which didn’t). And, since you likely can’t recall when on your journey your learned all that you know now! Believe it or not, when you went on to Certification we actually spent very little time on the basics!

That is why going back to the beginning every few years is essential as this is where the Synergetic Play Therapy theory gets more deeply rooted in you and you also get the updated content.  I can tell you from past students that have already done their Recertification that they were so grateful they did – I hear things like, “I had forgotten about that part” and “I just got re-inspired all over again!”  So, thank you for your time and dedication to studying Synergetic Play Therapy.  Quite frankly, you rock 🙂

I am looking forward to seeing you and being a part of your learning, again!

Love, Lisa

Here is what you will need to manage this program:

  1. The Book: Download this handout: Supplemental Reading Handout  and pull out your Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity book as you will be asked to review/re-read it.  We invite you to go ahead and get started now.
  2. Course Site Access: You will have access to all program content until 2 months following the final video release. Your access expiration date is January 31st, 2026. This is the date by which you will need to have fully completed the program and the program requirements. Full completion of this program is required in order to meet SPT Credential Renewal/Recertification requirements.
  3. Time Management: Please put all program dates on your calendar and block out time each month to complete each module (each module is roughly 2.5 hours in length), so that you stay on-top of your learning and avoid falling behind.
  4. Taking Notes – To meet program requirements, you must complete all lessons of this course site AND submit your notes for all modules and live webinars.
    1. Recertification Program Handout Packet – Within your Handouts lesson, you will find a link to a fillable PDF with pages for all of the live webinars, video modules, reflection exercises, and an Integration handout that must be completed as part of the program requirements. 
    2. You will be required to submit this packet to the Institute at the end of the program in order to receive your CE Certificate.
  5. CE Credit Hours: 20 CE Credit Hours, NBCC Content Areas: Counseling Theory/Practice and the Counseling Relationship and Social and Cultural Foundations

    Synergetic Play Therapy Institute has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7450. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Synergetic Play Therapy Institute is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

    Synergetic Play Therapy Institute is also an Approved Provider for the following associations:
    *Australian Play Therapists Association (APTA) Approved Provider
    *British Columbia Play Therapy Association (BCPTA) Approved Provider 23-01

    Continuing education credit hours may be awarded to graduate-level counselors or students enrolled in a graduate-level mental health program. If you do not qualify for continuing education credit hours and would like to receive a certificate of completion for this course please contact the Institute directly.

    If you are not a mental health professional and would like to receive a certificate of completion, you may contact the Institute upon completion of the program.

  6. SPT Credential Renewal/Recertification: Completion of this program meets the FULL requirement to renew your Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider Credential, however, completing the program is not the final step:
    1. Once you have completed the program and received your CE Certificate, you must complete the CE Verification Form.
    2. You will download the Continuing Education Verification Form and document your completion of this program. Prepare to submit this form, along with your CE Certificate, to info@synergeticplaytherapy.com by May 31st of your renewal year.
    3. If you are not up for renewal the year you complete the program, please save your form in a safe place to send to the Institute by May 31st of your actual renewal year.  *If you are uncertain when your CE hours are due, please contact the Institute.
  7. SPT Consultation: This program does not require, nor does it include, Group Consultation. However, we strongly recommend that you consider scheduling a few consultations, anyway, (especially if you haven’t received any SPT Consultation in awhile) as an additional support to your continued integration of the material. Click here to purchase individual consultation or form a group for a discount!
  8. Important Class Dates:
    • June 24th Webinar 1: One-hour LIVE Webinar (2:00pm Mountain Time, Denver)
    • June 24th: Module 1 released – Understanding the Set Up/Offering
    • July 18th: Module 2 released – Understanding States of Activation
    • August 15th: Module 3 released – Becoming an External Regulator
    • September 9th: Webinar 2: One-hour LIVE Webinar (2:00pm Mountain Time, Denver) + Bonus video: Synergetic Play Therapy & Teletherapy
    • September 9th: Video Lessons released – Synergetic Play Therapy and Cultural Humility AND 4 Threats and the Set Up Through a Cultural Lens
    • September 19th: Module 4 released – Partnering with Caregivers/Tracking the Play
    • October 17th: Module 5 released – Understanding Attachment & Emotional Age
    • November 11th: Webinar 3: One-hour LIVE Webinar (2:00pm Mountain Time, Denver)
    • November 14th: Module 6 – Sand, Art, & Aggression in Synergetic Play Therapy
    • November 14th: Video Lessons Synergetic Play Therapy and Cultural Humility AND 4 Threats and the Set Up Through a Cultural Lens Quiz


This program kicks off  LIVE on June 24th, 2025 @ 2pm Mountain Time (Denver)

Join Zoom Meeting for June 24th: 
