WELCOME to Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy®!

I am so glad that you have chosen to sign up for this program and that we will have a chance to learn and grow together for three full days IN PERSON. In order to help you get started, please read through the information on this page (I know it is long), but it will orient you to all of the information that you need.

As a reminder, in this 3-day in-person program we will explore the basic components of Synergetic Play Therapy® and truly have a one-of-a-kind experience. This program was designed for both beginners and advanced practitioners. The 3-day program will cover 18 hours of content and will be followed by mandatory monthly one-hour group consultations with a Synergetic Play Therapy® Consultant. You will also be required to complete 2 one-hour pre-recorded additional videos and a Book Review on the required book, Aggression in Play Therapy: a Neurological Approach to Intensity. Plus, you will get access to a Bonus video lesson on the topic of Synergetic Play Therapy® and Teletherapy!

If you have any questions, never hesitate to ask. We are here for you and want to make this a great experience for you. I am looking forward to being with you in person very soon!


In-Person Program Schedule:

October 26-28, 2024. Each day we will meet from 9:00am – 4:30pm.

PIP Solutions is your host for the in-person portion of this program! If you have any questions related to the event location, registration/cancellation policies, event details, or anything else related to these three days together, please contact PIP Solutions directly by emailing enquiries@pipsolutions.co.uk

Other Important Dates: 

After our time together in person, you will have 6 months of group consultation with a Synergetic Play Therapy® Consultant AND will need to complete two one hour video lessons, a bonus video lesson, and a book review. These lessons will be released in the months following the 3 day in-person training to support your continued learning. 

Please take note of the following dates:

  • Pre-Recorded Video Lesson: Synergetic Play Therapy® & Cultural Humility will become available on November 1, 2024,
  • Pre-Recorded Video Lesson: 4 Threats & the Set Up Through a Cultural Lens will become available December 1, 2024, 
  • Bonus Video Lesson: Synergetic Play Therapy® and Teletherapy and Module 1 Video Review will become available on January 1, 2025,
  • Synergetic Play Therapy® & Cultural Humility and 4 Threats & the Set Up Through a Cultural Lens Quiz lesson will become available on February 1, 2025, and
  • Book Review: Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurological Approach for Integrating Intensity will become available on March 1, 2025.
  • Course access expires March 31, 2025. 

Once you have completed all of the above requirements, you will have an opportunity to print one program certificate acknowledging your completion of this program. You must complete all program requirements by March 31, 2025, in order to receive a certificate. Keep scrolling for more information.

*Please remember that group consultation is a mandatory aspect of this program. More information regarding group consultation can be found below.

Program Location/Hotel Information:

This 3-day in-person program will be held at the Alderley Edge Hotel.

Alderley Edge Hotel
Macclesfield Rd, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7BJ

As a reminder, PIP Solutions will be your host for the in-person portion of this program. If you have any questions about the location/venue, please do not hesitate to contact PIP Solutions by emailing enquiries@pipsolutions.co.uk

What to Bring With You to the 3-Day In-Person Training:

  • Program Handouts, see below for more information
  • Your favorite way to take notes (notebook and pen, laptop, etc.)
  • The required book, Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurological Approach for Integrating Intensity, see below

Program Handouts:

All handouts needed for this program can be found in the lesson titled “3-Day Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy® (October 2024) Program Handouts”. This lesson will be made available to you one week prior to the start of the program. Please print the provided handouts during that time and bring them with you on Day 1. Lisa will be referencing these handouts throughout her teachings and you will need them to take notes!

Mandatory Book:

You will be expected to have purchased this book, Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity by Lisa Dion, prior to the first day of class. The book is also currently available in Audio format, Spanish, and Japanese.

If you have not already purchased the required reading, you may order the book at a special discount of 35% please click here and add the code WN116 when prompted at the checkout.

If you are unable to locate the book in your country, please email us at info@synergeticplaytherapy.comso we can contact the publisher and assist you in obtaining a copy.

Monthly Group Consultations:  

You will receive an email from info@synergeticplaytherpy.com on October 7th containing a short questionnaire. You will be asked to complete this questionnaire before October 26, 2024, to choose what times work best for your monthly group consultation.

To get your top choice, please return the survey as soon as possible, spots will be first come first serve. Your SPT Consultant will contact you by no later than October 30, 2024, to confirm your specific group time. 

Program Agreements & Access Info:

Program Agreements: Prior to our first day together on October 26, 2024, you are required to complete the first lesson of this program, “3-Day Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy (October 2024) – Program Agreements”. Please click on the lesson with the same name at the bottom of this page to read the Program Agreements document and complete a short “quiz” acknowledging that you have read and agree to the Program Agreements. You will not gain access to the following lessons, including your program handouts, until you have completed this step.

Course Site Access: Access to program content will be available for 6 months following our time together in person to support you through Group Consultation. Access will expire March 31, 2025.

Program Completion Certificate:

You will have the opportunity to print/download a program completion certificate from the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute once you have met all program requirements.

You will also have the opportunity to receive a Certificate of Attendance from PIP Solutions at the event honoring your completion of the in-person portion of this program, 18 hours of teaching. Please contact enquiries@pipsolutions.co.uk directly with any questions about this certificate.

Ways to connect with us: Find us through SPTI Facebook page, Instagram, and YouTube Channel, and we invite you to join the SPTI’s Facebook SPT Learning Community where you can have conversations, share posts, thoughts and questions about the course content or anything else you would love with other past and current students! Collaboration and conversation with your peers will really help you get the most out of this training!